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TNBronzeback 09-01-2016 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by jad2t (Post 74756)
Sounds like you guys need to get kayaks, we don't need no stinkin' boat ramp!

LMAO....drinking that kool-aide man....thats just what THEY want you to do. sell your boats, downsize, then they can sell all the land with boat ramps to make more money on kayaks.
Friggin "yakers" jam up the steam plant every morning in the winter, now you are the reason we are losing our ramps. you all should be ashamed of yourselves. LMAO

unkangler 09-01-2016 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by TNBronzeback (Post 74757)
ive never had a problem paying launch fee's IF it is a good ramp & parking lot and somewhat secure. ive pitched and pitched re-instating the fee's to the people of Long Hunter. They all agree they wish the state would bring some kind of fee system back. either daily or yearly passes. Fix the parking lot, add a few more lights, tie-ups on the docks and some kind of durable dock bumpers. i would pay $50-$75 a year if a launch could give me those things. Hell, create some jobs, put in an automatic gate, pay a tenet to be there to check passes. thats how things were done up in MI on St. Clair at alot of the launches and we all know how busted broke that disaster of a state is. It can be done, our leaders just choose to take our cash and ignore the issues.
I guess im a little taken back by the quality, or lack there of, of the ramps in this state as a whole. there are some good ones, but others are just a disaster. Dont get me wrong, im glad to have the ramps in some of the places we have them, but good grief. when the water is low, you cant even launch below old hickory dam, the ramp just stops a few feet into the water and there are big rocks to either smash your boat on, or jack your trailer up on. The docks, when there are any have more broken concrete, broken cleats/or no cleats and enough sharp steel and exposed bolt heads to rip your boat to shreds.
if the ramp is good, the docks are horrible, or non existent. if the ramp is tore up, the docks are great but no parking.
im not a fan of launching a $25-30K boat and having to beach it on chunk rock cause there are no docks or even a somewhat clear shore spot.
Again, im not crying too loud, but geeze, where does all our money go that i would think should go to maintaining the ramps/docks and parking lots.
all these entities take sportsmans money for all these causes and efforts but where is our R.O.I?
Whew! rant over. LOL

:cool:Yoahwzaa - that is a rant :) .. Years back when I decided to relocate to the south ,the amazing Free ramps in H'ville were definitely on the plus side of the pro's/con's list...... It is nice to have a decent facility to launch your boat and park your car.

TNBronzeback 09-01-2016 01:02 PM

I agree with ya there. Old hickory has some great ramps. Flippers, laguardo, ect. Who maintains those ramps?
Nothing is perfect, im not that dilusional, but it seems like having decent & safe access to launch is being taken away or not maintained and its frustrating.
Ofcourse i will, still launch where i need to and deal with problems when they arise, but it stinks no doubt. Lol.
I would love to launch at the ramp at lock 2, but ive been there without my boat and its just not a place i would feel comfortable leaving my truck and trailer or night. Thats what sucks.

skillet 09-01-2016 04:15 PM

I mainly launch at DuPont or rockland. And so far so good, never have had a problem. Did have one sketchy situation at night, guy walked up and said his fishing partner had gotten a hook in him and asked if we'd look at it. Just felt weird. So, with my pliers and a pocket knife, me and deezelteck walk over and sure enough, guy had a hook in him. With the crankbait attached. But the situation didn't feel right at first.

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unkangler 09-01-2016 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by TNBronzeback (Post 74763)
I agree with ya there. Old hickory has some great ramps. Flippers, laguardo, ect. Who maintains those ramps?
Nothing is perfect, im not that dilusional, but it seems like having decent & safe access to launch is being taken away or not maintained and its frustrating.
Ofcourse i will, still launch where i need to and deal with problems when they arise, but it stinks no doubt. Lol.
I would love to launch at the ramp at lock 2, but ive been there without my boat and its just not a place i would feel comfortable leaving my truck and trailer or night. Thats what sucks.

Yea, I know what you mean there. .. I would love to fish the river below OHL dam but never have felt comfortable enough to try the various put in's. ... it seems some people recommend to lock thru but in the back of my mind I think how I'm gonna get back up there if I have any kind of mishap and/or breakage... how's that Toby Keith song go : ' I ain't as young as I used to be' LOL

TNBronzeback 09-01-2016 08:09 PM

Yeah ive launched at rockland several times and locked through to fish below the dam. Thats pretty convenient. Beats that death trap ramp below the dam. Lol. Ive seen alot of different mishaps on that long narrow ramp in the past.
Whenever possible or practical, i try to launch downriver of where im fishing on the river, especially in the winter. That way, if i do have mechanical problems, the current will get me close to the ramp.
55lb trolling motor doesnt do much against at 20-30k flow. Lmao

deezelteck 09-01-2016 08:22 PM

What security does the ramps that charge offer? A patrol or a camera?

If neither, it's the same as all other ramps in my opinion.

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skillet 09-01-2016 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by unkangler (Post 74768)
Yea, I know what you mean there. .. I would love to fish the river below OHL dam but never have felt comfortable enough to try the various put in's. ... it seems some people recommend to lock thru but in the back of my mind I think how I'm gonna get back up there if I have any kind of mishap and/or breakage... how's that Toby Keith song go : ' I ain't as young as I used to be' LOL

If you want to hit the river sometime, let me know and we will try to hookup. The ramps aren't bad, as long as the river is at 388 ft I'll put in. But there has to be flow and not shutting gens off. When they shut down, water falls fast and you better be getting on the trailer. Thought I was gonna have to spend the night down there one night.

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TnCreekMaster 09-01-2016 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by TNBronzeback (Post 74763)
I agree with ya there. Old hickory has some great ramps. Flippers, laguardo, ect. Who maintains those ramps?
Nothing is perfect, im not that dilusional, but it seems like having decent & safe access to launch is being taken away or not maintained and its frustrating.
Ofcourse i will, still launch where i need to and deal with problems when they arise, but it stinks no doubt. Lol.
I would love to launch at the ramp at lock 2, but ive been there without my boat and its just not a place i would feel comfortable leaving my truck and trailer or night. Thats what sucks.

I frequent lock 2 but only when I'm going fishing at sunrise, can get sketchy at night, haven't a had any problems there to date I don't keep anything of value in the truck other than my straps and transom saver. That death trap you speak of Is the first ramp I ever backed a boat down lol

unkangler 09-02-2016 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by skillet (Post 74777)
If you want to hit the river sometime, let me know and we will try to hookup. The ramps aren't bad, as long as the river is at 388 ft I'll put in. But there has to be flow and not shutting gens off. When they shut down, water falls fast and you better be getting on the trailer. Thought I was gonna have to spend the night down there one night.

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Sounds good, ... haven't been able to make time to fish lately as been spending a lot of time with elderly relative (home hospice) but will PM when schedule free's up

skillet 09-02-2016 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by unkangler (Post 74780)
Sounds good, ... haven't been able to make time to fish lately as been spending a lot of time with elderly relative (home hospice) but will PM when schedule free's up

Hit me up and let me know when you have a free few hours.

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Dakota 09-02-2016 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by skillet (Post 74754)
@Dakota...sounds like you've used it 2 too many times!!! I will not pay that much to launch a boat. Especially with gas being under $2/gallon...I can almost drive to Ky lake on $10 worth of gas towing my boat.

And people not using the marina is bs too. People will always use the marina because of the convenience of it being right there. This guy is full of 💩

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I used it all the time before they started charging. There's been two times I've paid the 8.00 both when my family came out. My girls always need a bathroom nearby. LOL. Only used their gas pumps when I was low and didn't know it. I'm with you gas is to cheap on the street right now. Not a big fan of lone branch ramp but it works and it's free. Happy fishing!

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thehick176 09-02-2016 07:10 PM

That Lone Branch ramp is tricky. You can always tell if people have put in there before or not Lol. Its almost worth the wait to take out just to watch.

unkangler 09-02-2016 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by TNBronzeback (Post 74769)
Yeah ive launched at rockland several times and locked through to fish below the dam. Thats pretty convenient.

Whenever possible or practical, i try to launch downriver of where im fishing on the river, especially in the winter. That way, if i do have mechanical problems, the current will get me close to the ramp.

Now that's a good strategy, ...... let mother nature work for ya :) ... I've spent thousands of day's out on the water and i have been lucky enough to make it home every night.. (silent thank-you prayer).. LOL

TNBronzeback 09-03-2016 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by unkangler (Post 74786)
Now that's a good strategy, ...... let mother nature work for ya :) ... I've spent thousands of day's out on the water and i have been lucky enough to make it home every night.. (silent thank-you prayer).. LOL

Like you, knock on wood, ive never had to use that method before and would prefer no to have to. Lol.
Lakes are no big deal, bust out the paddles or hope for a passer-by. Lol. January, temps in the high 30's-low 40's on a quick river, paddles wont do anything but wear ya out and you can pretty much forget about a tow in. Lol.
I keep a spare truck key at the house incase i do have to drift it out, somebody else can go get my truck and meet me at the next ramp. Lmao

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