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Old 01-26-2015, 10:42 AM
Headhunter Headhunter is offline
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Join Date: May 2009
Posts: 500

Originally Posted by One$hot1kill View Post
To the gentleman who "heard" Laotians had a disregard for hunting and hunters shouldn't even be allowed to post comments with your hear says.

Back to my original comment, I'm sorry if I offended anyone. I thought this was a forum to talk about fishing. Yet I quickly realized it was an arena where guys who wore white sheets could come to stroke each others egos, vent and bash on Laotians. I saw a comment that I didn't agree with so I gave my opinion. I got threaten to be removed from this forum yet some could make racial comments and nothing said. It's ok, I get. It was humorous all the assumptions that were made about me. No I'm not Laotian but have many friends who are that fish. I'm originally from the Philippines but am American now.Yes I use the metric system cause I'm an engineer that travel the world for my job. I have fished these waters for over 30 years at Cheatham, JPP, Dale Hollow, Center Hill, Gallatin Steam Plant, the Caney etc. Enough about me, Laotians have been wrongfully profiled for years, which is a Federal crime, by nerds who couldn't hack it as the real police officers so they became the possum police. It's wrong that a whole race is judge because of 4 idiots. Yes they kept fish over the limit but yall act like this was the worst case ever prosecuted. Let me leave you with this story and I hope yall read it....

None were Laotians....ALL male whites....See you tomorrow. I'll be fishing.
No one said laotians are the ONLY people breaking the law. People from any country, any background, any color, etc. can and do break game laws. All I am saying as I have as yet to meet the first asian or laotian that abided by game laws and I mean none. I turn in whoever I see breaking a game law when I see it. It is just on Priest and below the dams, the asian/laotian people keep any and everything. Every time I have tried to talk to them they look at me like I am crazy and say no english. The ones I get really mad at are the ones with a throwing a net "for bait" but they will keep any fish they catch in the net. Happened several times below the Priest dam last year.
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