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Old 08-24-2014, 02:02 AM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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No. I am just going to pass on that we need extra patrols through the area. I am going to ask the gentleman that we have permission to fish from about the restrictions that they have for the lake. I have never had anyone approach us while on the water but we need to get some clarification before something happens. I will try and post an answer ASAP.
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Old 08-24-2014, 08:21 AM
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Thanks MPD! Hate to see a fisherman or a homeowner get shot over something like this. It would cause a lot of headaches for both parties involved.

Legal bills out the wazoo, possibly hospital bills, God forbid, funeral bills and possible jail time.

Definitely not worth it for a few fish when you break it down like that.

How's that boat treatin ya? Getting to do much fishing out of it?

Tell the wife I said Hey!

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Old 08-24-2014, 10:00 AM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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Thanks Merv. I finally broke down and sold my boat to my brother after a year of him nagging me. I bought a couple of kayaks and a camper. How's the family doing?
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Old 08-24-2014, 02:15 PM
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We are doing fine. Sophia just started kindergarten, I'm working on the guiding business and Momma is keeping the household running smoothly.

So, you broke down and joined the plastic navy! Have you fished any of the tournaments they've had?

I have trouble catching fish with fifty pounds of lures and accessories and a big boat. What would I catch in a yak? Probably 4 or 5 inch bluegills.....ON A GOOD DAY.
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Old 08-24-2014, 04:00 PM
jaysouth jaysouth is offline
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Check your PMs

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Old 08-25-2014, 09:35 PM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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I spoke with the officer that is handling the situation today. He is working diligently to get this under control. He has made meetings with the appropriate personnel to get some answers. Unfortunately the answers appear to be under a mound of paperwork dating back to the 60's. In the case of the armed subject, as most of you may know it is an open case and I can't say much about it but things are in the process of getting resolved with it also. I just ask you guys to be careful if you fish the area and please let us try and resolve the situation before it gets out of hand. I will keep you guys posted with updates when I can.
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:01 AM
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What if a land owner that has property on the lake gives you permission? Would it be ok to fish then?
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:41 AM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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That is a question we are trying to answer. Problem we are having is "does a person own the water table if it accessible by multiple locations?" Any documentation would be helpful if anyone can help out. Believe me, we want to resolve any issues this causes, present or future. A lot of us at the police dept fish to support our work habit.
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:55 AM
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Originally Posted by MidTNKayakAngler View Post
What if a land owner that has property on the lake gives you permission? Would it be ok to fish then?
Originally Posted by MPD816 View Post
That is a question we are trying to answer. Problem we are having is "does a person own the water table if it accessible by multiple locations?" Any documentation would be helpful if anyone can help out. Believe me, we want to resolve any issues this causes, present or future. A lot of us at the police dept fish to support our work habit.
This is only speculation on my part.
Seems that there would be a charter/rules that the property owners have to abide by. That could include a multitude of rules. One possibility is the owner granting permission has to be present.

IMO anyone who thinks they have the right to fish any body of water on private property without permission is the one who needs to pay a penalty. If you want to fish in a private lake build your own or abide by the rules.
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Old 08-26-2014, 11:07 AM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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There are multiple owners of the property that the lake resides on. Who has the ultimate responsibility then? The waterway is not navigable but has a public access? Does the land owner own the water that is between two dams? They may own the property that ends at the water line but who has the water? Who owns the water at the end of the docks on Old Hickory lake? Are you trespassing every time you fish the docks? These are the type of questions we are trying to answer. Like I asked earlier, if anyone has any documentation that we could reference it would be a tremendous help. Thanks
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Old 08-26-2014, 09:33 PM
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1. Check the master deed
2. Check the tax roles. Determine if the alleged owner has been paying property tax on the property. If so, he owns what is on top and bottom clear to China.
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Old 10-30-2014, 10:33 PM
sqlightning sqlightning is offline
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Any update on this? I just got a kayak and am getting an itch to try out this lake.
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Old 10-31-2014, 01:21 AM
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Smile Navigable water ways ... <'TK><

Originally Posted by TroutFiend View Post
I was looking at the Army Corps of Engineers website.
I found a map, but I am trying to find the navigable waters in Wilson County.
Is there a better website to reference this?

Andy , It seems Randy has done a lot of research on a state level on this subject ...

Now as far as the US Corps of Eng.'s. . In Tennessee, They recognize and must maintain certain channel depths for commercial and private vessels ... The only river that is Navigable as far as the corps is concerned in Wilson county is the Cumberland River chain ... I.E. All of the lakes That has formed via Dams ... from Celina, TN. ...Cordell Hull, Old Hickory, Cheatham, Barkley, until it dumps into the Ohio River about 5 miles north of Paducah, Ky. and then on into the Mississippi ...

Now the Tennessee River enters the picture here and forms the Land Between the Lakes .. That starts in Knoxville, Tennessee and dumps into the Ohio at Paducah... Also a Navigable waterway , The Tennessee forms the following Lakes via dams .. Chickamauga, Fort Loudoun, Guntersville , Kentucky, Melton Hill, Nickajack, Pickwick, Watts Bar, Wheeler, and Wilson ... And there are other smaller rivers that the Corps maintains that are off shoots of the Tennessee ...

Note: all of the above mentioned Lakes are navigable to the Gulf of Mexico via the Mississippi ... I have Corps Charts (Books ) that show what is navigable ... For instance at Carthage where the Caney Fork Dumps into the Cumberland(Old Hickory) Four miles down stream from the Cordell Hull Dam ... The Caney is not a Navigable waterway ... <'TK><
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