Just a little update to our camping/fishing trip. My son and I ended up camping at the site recommended by tennesseejugger and thanks for the information as the site was really perfect.
We set up camp and fished a little in the morning, but spent most of the time playing around the campsite. Here is the site with my little one doing what he always does while we are fishing, that is eating
Camping was fun, but eventful. After nap my son told me he bumped his head on the ground while playing around in the tent. He began to feel worse and worse, but didn't want to go home. I packed everything up and headed home in the afternoon after about 8 hours of camping. He was complaining a lot. On the way home, he started throwing up. So I went to the ER thinking he might have a concussion. My wife met us there. He got checked in and was feeling worse and worse. Turns out he was getting sick with Strep and the bumped head was nothing but a head ache. He is doing fine now, but it was quite scary at the time.
Not my plan for the camping trip. He was so sad to end camping and as we were leaving told me "but daddy, we didn't get to cook our dinner on the campfire or have marshmallows" So heartbreaking. But at least he is doing better.
As for fishing, we did very little and caught a few sunfish and white bass. There were tons of shad in the cove so I am sure there were bass and cats somewhere in there also.
Hopefully the next camping trip is a little less stressful,
Thanks again for all the camping recommendations,