I've tried everything under the sun to see if theres any real difference as far as ethanol treatments, on my 200 looper it just doesn't seem to care at all really... I will say this though, it's an 88 model engine and it used to sneeze at idle, I was told to spray Deep Creep made by Seafoam in all 6 carbs, open the throttle plates and hose it full, repeat over a few days until the whole can was in there, give it few days to soak at the fire it up... I can say I should've taken video of the cloud of smoke this thing bellowed out! But having run it in the same tank more than a dozen times I was used to it clouding up the water, but this looked like a poop trough in some 3rd world country.... Once the smoke cleared and after my amazement at the gunk the motor crapped out this thing idles like an injected motor now, really smooth for an old looper.