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Old 05-16-2014, 10:57 PM
hunter24 hunter24 is offline
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Join Date: May 2011
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by MidTNKayakAngler View Post
We'll said Chris. Don't let someone make your mind up for you. Don't over spend, and possibly regret it. I won't laugh or make fun of anyone for choosing a kayak I don't care for, and I'm sure nobody else here or that fish my events would neither. I just want people to choose what is right for them "style, price, brand, color". As long as you the paddler is happy that's all that matters. If you do find a kayak you like you can also look for the same model and brand used and save a lot of money. Also Hook 1 in Hendersonville carries trade-in's.
I went by Big Rock today. Looked for the River Bassin guys but didn't see a large group there. Talked to Joel a while and looked at several Jackson models. Was going to demo the big rig and tuna but it started raining pretty good and I had to get back.
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