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Old 02-05-2014, 02:56 PM
txnative txnative is offline
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Originally Posted by Catch & Release View Post
If you cant see them doesn't matter who has right of way.
That is an excellent point. Well said.

Chris Bryant
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Old 02-05-2014, 07:04 PM
olddognewtrick olddognewtrick is offline
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There are two sides to every coin.
I don't understand powered boats running down a river, or a big lake, at speed in the dark when it's hard to see anything. While it's probably rare to come across and run over a kayak without lights, or a person floating because they capsized something, I wouldn't think it worth the risk.

Lights, horns, whistles are just common sense on non-powered boats, even in the daylight. There are simply too many people who buy a powered boat and never learn how to correctly, or considerately, navigate and operate the boat. Those people are dangerous to everyone. It's as irresponsible as a kayak without lights in the dark or not wearing your pfd.

Fewer bad things happen to those who consider, and prepare, for others lack of preparation and care. That goes for powered, and non-powered, boaters.
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Old 02-05-2014, 08:23 PM
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[QUOTE=olddognewtrick;45605]There are two sides to every coin.
I don't understand powered boats running down a river, or a big lake, at speed in the dark when it's hard to see anything. While it's probably rare to come across and run over a kayak without lights, or a person floating because they capsized something, I wouldn't think it worth the risk.

When I fish at night I run full out. If you have a full moon on a clear night you can see clear across the lake. If it's not full I will use a spotlight to keep up with buoys but I don't run with the spotlight the entire time because it's easier to see at night once your night vision adjust with out the light.
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Old 02-05-2014, 09:41 PM
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Fewer bad things happen to those who consider, and prepare, for others lack of preparation and care. That goes for powered, and non-powered, boaters.

I like this statement!
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Old 02-06-2014, 09:48 AM
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Catch & Release Catch & Release is offline
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[QUOTE=When I fish at night I run full out. If you have a full moon on a clear night you can see clear across the lake. If it's not full I will use a spotlight to keep up with buoys but I don't run with the spotlight the entire time because it's easier to see at night once your night vision adjust with out the light.[/QUOTE]

I agree %100. There are times I fish 10, 15 even 20 miles from ramp.
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Old 02-08-2014, 01:27 PM
ditz1 ditz1 is offline
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As Brodrick Crawford always said at the end of his weekly TV program...."It is not who is right. It is who is left."

One should always do what is needed to keep one's self safe.
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