Originally Posted by commdd
alpha, for those of us that don't have your long time experience of fishing below the dams, tell us about how fishing with 180,000 cfs is different for you vs normal discharge. thanks..
That much water......9 times out of 10....brings more fish. Generally speaking the more water the better the fishing. It doesn't always have to be white bass or stripers....as evidenced by the large mouth being stacked in there today. I will hit Pickwick probably the next 3 days. I cant remember a big rain event like this down there in July....I am sure there has been in the past but I don't remember it. But I am going to take advantage of a good situation. The Caney is going to up the discharge and I would almost put money that the next week will be awesome for those that can fish the boils. At Pickwick it is easy with this much water.....easy from the bank that is....you can't get a boat below there with this much water. A big calm area forms to the left of the generator side and fish just stack up in there. On a normal discharge day you will most probably catch fish but the calm area will be much much smaller. If you notice in the pic I have a lot of relatively calm water in front of me. With just the generators going at say 75,000 I would just have one small cut back. Hope this helps answer your question.