Folks, I didn't bring Politics up again since the Corps fight ... Fish Whisperer started this ...... Yes I cleaned the Republican slate Yesterday ... Like I said before 8 years max Term limits .... The only one I voted for was Alexander because of his effort to stop the corps ... Which could only be stopped via the Legislature .... Before the corps fight even He would have been on my deletion list..
I agree when you make a life time career in these positions there is to much lobbyist and in the bed with life time commitments as well as buddy appointments ...
But, I also believe the GOP needs to rethink the platform if we are going to take our country back... The Tea Party, like so much of our conservative far right views (which I am a believer) ... Needs to stop fighting the Liberal agenda at this point ... We are spinning our wheels ... They are in power and there is not a lot we can do about now ...
So if it takes compromise at this point so be it ... We need to be working for an objective to take over in 2016 ... The hard line we are following right now won't help us in 2016 ... We need to be looking for a President who is Dynamic, personable, etc. ... We need a new face ... I have not seen that who is in the running or who has been paraded in front of us for the GOP ..
But we need some one who can resolve the immigration issue intelligently, who will work to delete or reform Obama Care intelligently, We need someone who can rectify the reasoning That the tax payer in the country has to take a Drug Test to retain his job and the folks on welfare do not have to prove what they are buying with or tax driven dollar...
The liberals won't all of the illegal's they can find to build their voting base ... If you don't believe me look and see where the Feds are sending all of the detainees while they are being processed .... To family relatives in large liberal cities ... I.E. Chicago, New York, Boston, etc. The paper work gets caught up in the system and can't be tracked anymore ..
I am going to lock the thread down ... Like religion and politics no one will win the argument or sway anyone ... So you folks get back to doing what you enjoy ... Fishing ... <'TK><