02-06-2013, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by GO-OKFISHIN
I believe he faces a real obstacle obtaining 2.5 million dollars for this..
It was my understanding they are already available. If he intends on starting in March and finishing by June then the funds must have been decided on. We just don't know what has been cut yet.
I could be wrong but that was my understanding which has always kept in the back of my mind, "If I just spent 2.6 million on something I am going to use it."
02-06-2013, 10:00 AM
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The more I think about it the madder I get. Like Hugh with Southern Woods and Water said, we have a government that is drowning in debt and a country going to H*** and they can still find 2.5 million dollars for something this trivial? I pray for our kids and grand-kids and the people in charge of this country
02-06-2013, 10:19 AM
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Delapp is slicker than any politician on answering questions, here is how it was.
Public: Col Delap, is the sky blue?
Col Delap: Good question... we need to restrict access because of _____ (fill in the blank with safety, liability, compliance).
Like Doug Markham and others stated, we have to keep writing and calling our reps.
02-06-2013, 10:19 AM
Fishing TN Staff
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Here's what I took from this
The initial cost of the restrictions will be 2.6M dollar, and then you will have maintence on top of that. One question I have is the ACOE works on a budget and that budget doesn’t get approved until September. How can they put up these barriers at this time, I wouldn’t think they have this money lying around.
It sounds like all agencies want to work with him like TWRA with revisiting a PFD law with more strict restrictions like no auto inflate, must be completely fastened, and higher mandatory fines. TWRA also brought up alternatives like barriers during high output times. It sounds like local law enforcement won't enforce/police the policy due to lack of “manpower”, and other issues that they are tasked with.
Other agencies want to work with him on a more economical resolution, but he has already made his mind. Bfish brought up several things like maintaining the barriers, and proper studies that are mandatory that were not performed, and the Col. couldn’t answer any of his questions. He also brought up about the process of policy change without proper assessment that also couldn’t be answered. There have been no meetings with local leaders, and no meetings with Mayor Dean with the ACOE.
ACOE couldn’t answer how many of the 8 deaths below the dams came from people on the bank, and one guy mentioned that he has rescued 3 people personally from below dams that come from the bank. If he was restricted from these areas then nobody would be there to possibly rescue these people.
Impact studies have not been performed, and it sounds like the only studies that have been done are those directly from the ACOE with hydraulics, and initial cost of barriers. A study taskforce team with all effected agencies has not been created and proper research performed.
An idea of a waiver was brought up when purchasing a fishing license, or with boater registration. When you buy your license you sign a waiver if you want to fish below the dams, or have a $2-$5 fee per license and sign a waiver, or dam stamp.
There was great representation by local law enforcement, TWRA, Tennessee Wildlife Federation, BASS Nation, Southern Woods and Water, Fishin’ Affliction, Local Guides that have raised families by fishing below these dams for the past 40 years.
There was a veteran talking about lightning strikes, and stupid people. (I thought he actually had some good comments).
I’ve drawn a blank on the name (sorry) but at Logan’s before the meeting he brought up a good point about foot access below the dams, and it was also brought up in the meeting. For someone who is older, less agile, or possibly handicap, heck for that matter (anyone). Bank access is just dangerous in most areas, from some of the individuals, to slick, uneven, snakes, or spiders in the rocks. I would feel safer fishing from a watercraft where there is a safe space between me and the guy next to me with the only real hazards being a tripping hazard on the deck of the boat.
There were many issues brought up from enforcement, harvest for a hatchery by TWRA to produce more stocking fish for our waters, to over population, and the wellbeing of fish, diseases etc.
02-06-2013, 11:36 AM
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Originally Posted by MidTNKayakAngler
Here's what I took from this
There were many issues brought up from enforcement, harvest for a hatchery by TWRA to produce more stocking fish for our waters, to over population, and the wellbeing of fish, diseases etc.[/FONT]
Would there be a boom in fish populations, fish sizes, etc in the next few years if these restrictions are put into place?
02-06-2013, 11:58 AM
Fishing TN Staff
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From who I was speaking with it sounds like it could become an issue with over population of fish, then stunted growth, then followed by diseases.
"I am a catch and release angler except for a crappie, or a shellcracker trip a year, with one King/Mahi Mahi trip thrown in there". I do understand that there needs to be harvest and am all for it as long as you are doing it within the law, and ethically. I know there needs to be some fish kept and I'm for that, I just don't like to see rare or trophy fish harvested or excessive ammounts. There have seen research on catch and release only, or no harvest and it can be bad for our waters.
Ok, back on subject, sorry for the rant, it's just a passionate subject for me
02-06-2013, 01:40 PM
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A Note from Rick Duty <'TK><
I believe that you and Doug are correct in asking, “have you written your congressman this week?”
The Corps personnel at every level have made it exceedingly clear, that they don’t care what we, or our legislators think. I too believe that there is an agenda beneath the surface, as the safety rationale is statistically so feeble.
Having now had our say, (as it may seem to the COE) keep in mind that legislators as a group, have a very short memory, and practice ‘’What-have-you-done-for-me-lately”. (Excuse my cynicism.) Without the sportsmen, and travel and tourism industry in this for the long haul, the COE will get exactly what they want. Once in place, congressional action to reverse the action will require exponential effort.
While hopeful, I see this as just the beginning. It will likely take more face-to-face lobbying by concerned constituents with their legislators. It may take a grass roots Political Action Committee (PAC) to raise funds for legal / lobby professionals. A court injunction is not out of the question. But what I am certain of is this; if as a group, we quit calling, stop sending email, or fax transmitting letters to our representatives in Washington, this fight will be forgotten.
02-06-2013, 05:21 PM
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As, Old Sailor said there were alot of comments that meant nothing to Delap and were not to the point. He has already put this in play and as many later on said the only way this is going to stop is through our continued effort of contacting our Elected Officals, from the local to US level. We have to keep the pressure on them or the will buckle under. The way acted he has never or does not care anything on this earth about fishing.
02-06-2013, 08:24 PM
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Why are things of this nature not on a ballot. Our tax dollars pay everything the corp does, so why does our opinion not count. Just another way tax payers are getting screwed.
02-06-2013, 09:08 PM
Dakota S
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Delapp did not impress me. He didnt want to be there at all. He was there to say oh yes we had a meeting. Blah Blah. This guy has never fished below a dam in his life. Probably has never fished at all. It seems this is nothing but a "Power Trip". Really security and safety give me a break. I was impressed with the turn out. I hope Doug Markham is right in saying this isnt done yet.
02-06-2013, 09:37 PM
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I don't think that he faces an obstacle getting the 2.6m to do this. The Federal govt. throws around money like it grows on trees. I don't think he will have any trouble getting the funds. What we the people need to do is to get this policy/order changed, and that is going to require us to FLOOD the Washington offices with calls, emails, mail, etc. WE CANNOT LET UP NOW! I was there last night, and was pretty disgusted at this mans' attitude, even though he took the heat pretty well. We need to TURN THE HEAT UP at this point and as Scott Morris emphasized last night- the answer lies in contacting and bugging the crap out of our reps in Washington The squeaky wheel will get the grease. Let's squeak until it HURTS THEIR EARS. Don't let up, folks.
02-07-2013, 08:18 AM
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A friend and I attended. Was exactly as I expected. No surprises. Orders are orders as are regs, until changed. Must get changes.
02-07-2013, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by BMelton
Why are things of this nature not on a ballot. Our tax dollars pay everything the corp does, so why does our opinion not count. Just another way tax payers are getting screwed.
Under our system of government, we elect representatives to speak for us. In the big scheme of things, this is not a big issue. However, if enough fishermen get riled up over the issue, it becomes an issue to our reps. I was talking to a politician last night, and he described it best when he stated that mercury in a cup is pretty manageable, but once you spill the cup, it is nearly impossible to contain the mercury again.
Originally, I claimed that this matter would not become the law of the land until a judge decided so. I stand by that, with one simple addition; an act of Congress. Alexander can submit the bill, and who is going to vote against it? Does anybody think that the Congressman from Iowa or Delaware care what Tennessee fishermen do? Lamar can make it happen for us, if he will.
02-07-2013, 11:54 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 162
Originally Posted by Pookie
Under our system of government, we elect representatives to speak for us. In the big scheme of things, this is not a big issue. However, if enough fishermen get riled up over the issue, it becomes an issue to our reps. I was talking to a politician last night, and he described it best when he stated that mercury in a cup is pretty manageable, but once you spill the cup, it is nearly impossible to contain the mercury again.
Originally, I claimed that this matter would not become the law of the land until a judge decided so. I stand by that, with one simple addition; an act of Congress. Alexander can submit the bill, and who is going to vote against it? Does anybody think that the Congressman from Iowa or Delaware care what Tennessee fishermen do? Lamar can make it happen for us, if he will.
I hope a bill is drafted and everyone votes for it. I really do. The unfortunate truth is that a Congressman in Iowa or Delaware does not care what fishermen in Tennessee do - in fact - they'd only expose themselves to risk. If they signed a bill that amended these "safety" rules and another accident was to happen below a dam the spotlight will be on them.
The revenue from almost 900,000 anglers buying fishing licenses in Tennessee does not benefit Iowa or Delaware?
I wonder if the vendor awarded the $2.6 million contract for buoy installation paid a referral fee?
I realize this conspiracy theory is not accurate - I'm just venting.
02-09-2013, 05:38 PM
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I don't know the answer to that but I don't see a commander doing that due to the fact they just spent 2.6 million putting in buoys and signs.
Have they already closed Cordell dam off?