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Old 01-19-2013, 09:16 PM
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agelesssone agelesssone is offline
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MPD, Wednesday's weather looks like the best of the week. Whatcha think about that? What do you want to fish for?Or are you even off work that day?
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Old 01-19-2013, 11:12 PM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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I was wondering if the low temps would really screw with them after this front comes through. I'm fishing for anything that bites right now. Today was crappy weather wise but the yellow bass were on fire from about 1 until 4 in Stewart's creek. Surprisingly that was the only clean water I could find. Put in at Stewart's and went all the way to Long Hunter with white caps the whole way. Someone has a truck just like yours so I started towards the ramp until I noticed it was an aluminum boat behind it. Wednesday is no good for me but would like to meet up again soon. Elizabeth is mad at you anyway, I won't let up about a new fishfinder. Income tax time!
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Old 01-20-2013, 09:06 AM
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LMAO, tell her I love her anyways! And definitely get you a down imaging w/GPS. Or if you can pick up a used 997 cSI, you can get an upgrade from Humminbird that will put DI on it. I spent $17.00 on a SD card from Humminbird and all I had to do was put it in the SD slot, turn on my unit and it uploaded the upgrades and, VOILA!, I had DI on it.
I think after Wednesday, it may be awhile before the fishing is any good. I'd like to try for sauger sometime. If you have a map of OH lake, look at the upper end, where Rte 231 crosses over the Cumberland river. There's a boat launch right there called Hunter's Point. We can put in there and go fish for sauger whenever you get the time. And we won't need electronics for that, we can just fish from landmarks.

Last edited by agelesssone; 01-20-2013 at 09:12 PM.
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Old 01-20-2013, 03:01 PM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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Sounds good to me. We need to get the missus together anyway. Maybe Me & Elizabeth can make a trip up there for dinner at a restaurant one night during the week. Would be great to see you again, We difinitely need to plan another fishing trip.
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Old 01-20-2013, 09:11 PM
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Susi and Sophia will be leaving for Germany at the end of the month (Jan 30th) so let's try to get together before then as she'll be gone for 5 or 6 weeks. And we are open any evening, say 6:00? We can pick a restaurant halfway for each of us.
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Old 01-21-2013, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Jim View Post
For you kayak guys, the use of green on both sides of the boat when paddling may confuse other boaters which way you are heading at night. Be careful with that. Also, your kayak will look like a "big boat" when all you can see is the bank of lights from a distance. So other boaters may not give you as much consideration for size. Again, I don't know what is legal, but do consider what other boater see when looking at your lights.
Great tips Jim. The only light I use now is a Visi Carbon Pro which is a dual LED light on a fiberglass pole that sits about 2' above my head. It burns white in color. Us as kayaker's that was only under manpower are not supposed to display navigational lights, because we cannot get clear of a boat under power, and boats under power are supposed to stay clear from us. The single white light means stationary, anchored. I do have a head lamp that I will use from time to time momentarily that displays different colors, but I keep that to a minimum. If I were to put lights on my kayak it would be blue, or amber only on the outside of the kayak, and may do a red in the cockpit.

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Old 01-22-2013, 12:25 AM
MPD816 MPD816 is offline
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Originally Posted by agelesssone View Post
Susi and Sophia will be leaving for Germany at the end of the month (Jan 30th) so let's try to get together before then as she'll be gone for 5 or 6 weeks. And we are open any evening, say 6:00? We can pick a restaurant halfway for each of us.

Sounds good with us also. Maybe we should try some seafood seeing how we can't catch any. just let me know when a time and place is good for you guys.
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