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Old 12-05-2012, 03:42 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
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Originally Posted by commdd View Post
Alpha...I have had much success with the TM for gills (no float) but have not found the secret for the trout...are you fishing with the float for trout? any tips or techniques from your experience are appreciated..thanks again... your posts are always informative.
I have caught them twitching and with the float. Every time I lay off from trout fishing for a while and start back it takes me a while to get my head back into it....meaning trout are always near the bottom or are feeding on top. As far as I know from talking with seasoned trout fisherman trout will not be suspended somewhere in between....someone chime in here if I am wrong on that. I have to remind myself of that after a layoff. I usually start out fishing way too shallow. When trout are rising it is easy to set the float about 6 inches and catch plenty. When they are not rising though I have to force myself to let the Magnet get low enough. I only use a size B split shot when twitching. The first time I took my son trout fishing I was catching one below Percy on almost every cast. At first he was catching nothing. He soon learned that he had to be close to the it 2 feet deep or 6 feet deep. In very deep water it is best to use a float and let it drift. tcintn is the best I have ever seen in fishing the Magnet in deep water. I have seen him with as many as 8 size B split shot under the float with 8 feet of line under the float...he uses a nine foot rod. He uses that many to get the Magnet down in a moderate current. In a heavy current.....meaning when they are generating....I would suggest fishing with something else unless you see trout rising all over the place. It is very difficult fishing the Trout Magnet in heavy current. If I was able now I would be happy to meet you and us fish side by side and see. I know tcintn has been cleared to fish now so if you see him around he will be glad to help you out. You cant miss him.....he is a tall...older man with long gray hair and a 9 foot rod in his hand...and he will in all probability be catching trout. But I will be back out there in mid March.

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Old 12-05-2012, 04:54 PM
commdd commdd is offline
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Thanks ALPHA!!! great information.
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Old 12-06-2012, 12:23 AM
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I know the TM can produce large numbers in the Caney but I've had limited success. One day I used it at Betty's with no float and twitching it and had a lot of fun. Some days I use it and can't get a single hit so I go back to roostertails and start catching them. There's definitely more to know about fishing that lure than I've figured out as of yet. My available time to fish is severely limited by school but eventually I'll figure it out. Don't get discouraged if you can't catch 100 crappie like Alpha does, his results aren't typical lol. He has a special talent with those things.

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