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Old 09-25-2012, 08:57 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
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Originally Posted by Travis C. View Post
The big predatory trout say 20-25"+ are not doubt looking for a high protein meal but more than likely see the trout magnet as an easy snack if its near them so they won't have to expend much energy.

It's kinda like that bowl of candy next to the recliner while watching football. As long as you're sitting there at arms reach you'll probably grab some as the mood hits you but when supper time comes your more interested in that steak on the table.

Just my guess on them and trout magnets. The predatory trout will feed at night most the time unless its high water to where they are comfortable. Usually during the daytime hours you want to invade their space with something to piss them off because they tend to rest then.
Well said.
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Old 09-25-2012, 11:07 PM
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jad2t jad2t is offline
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Thanks guys. I don't think the river will be suitable for TM fishing for a while with constant generation plus sluice. I plan on going tomorrow afternoon possibly to fish for stripers below the dam. Once we have wading windows I'll give the TM's another shot

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