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Old 06-25-2012, 07:40 AM
titansfan2104 titansfan2104 is offline
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Originally Posted by StriperFan View Post
The only thing I didn't like about Ralph is he wouldn't take my business on a couple of different occasions over the years. He said he wouldn't guide to a local at the time. I ended up going with Fred McClintock and never regretted it. Fred is a great guy and shared enough info so I could catch them on my own. "I'm conservation minded and am not looking to start a guide service", I told Ralph.... but oh well.
That about crazy. I understand the local thing , you just have to take em and show them the techniques and never pit em on your honey holes!!! I feel like if fish are in an area that area will always hold fish under the same conditions!!
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Old 06-25-2012, 07:36 PM
StriperFan StriperFan is offline
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Originally Posted by titansfan2104 View Post
That about crazy. I understand the local thing , you just have to take em and show them the techniques and never pit em on your honey holes!!! I feel like if fish are in an area that area will always hold fish under the same conditions!!
I would never crowd a guide. I have been with a few over the years on different bodies of water and never try to crowd them when I wasn't with them. There was a guide on Lake Cumberland who marked a place on the bank with a trashcan lid nailed to a tree, that was the place he took us and we did good there. The next few days of our fishing trip, I used his techniques but found my own spots.
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Old 06-29-2012, 09:47 AM
bd- bd- is offline
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Originally Posted by Mike Anderson View Post
It's amazing how a guide can be so well known and respected (on a national level) as Ralph Dallas and yet he NEVER personally shows up on the internet revealing his locations or tactics or beating his chest. My hats off to him, for that is what truly makes a GREAT angler and guide. He had a code of ethics that is lost on today's ME generation.
Amen, that's not very common in the days of the Internet now.

Ralph is a good guide and an extremely talented taxidermist to boot.

I have to say I can't blame him for not guiding locals. I understand his reasoning for that. It only takes one or two numbskulls to mess up a good thing.

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