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Old 07-21-2011, 02:29 PM
Posts: n/a

""We have killed 57 rattlesnakes on two separate ranches this year.

24 @Locke Creek & 33 @ Halls Hill, since mid-May. Not one has buzzed!

We provoked one fair sized boy with a stick and he coiled & struck at

the stick a couple of times before he buzzed up and rattled.""

It's a shame that, assuming any of these story's about killing many or a giant snake are true, that we never see a good follow up story in the newspapers or on the Internet with the headline of " Men Who Killed 57 Rattlesnakes Charged, Department of Fish and Wildlife Investigating, More Charges Pending"
I'm not too keen on the idea of people killing them just because they are there.
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Old 07-25-2011, 05:37 PM
clean air
Posts: n/a

They dont get that big in our area.I live in coffee and have hunted alot in cannon on farms and the mnts.and never seen anything close to that.That thing must have got hit with gamma rays to make it the hulks pet snake.
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Old 07-26-2011, 10:44 AM
bd- bd- is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hendersonville
Age: 51
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Yeah, I think that rattlesnake story has been on Snopes for a long time. You can't believe much of what you read on the Internet.

Besides, that snake is an eastern diamondback. There's not a single eastern diamondback anywhere within 300 miles of Cannon County. There might be some timber rattlers but they don't look anything like the snake in the picture.

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