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Old 12-21-2020, 06:03 PM
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Schleprock Schleprock is offline
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Originally Posted by SAMBOLIE View Post
Funny you mention magnet fishing. I was at Shutes Branch recently when a fellow threw out a magnet. I have seen this on YouTube but never in person. I was inquisitive. He was using a 300 lb capacity. Said he lost a 500 lb because it stuck so strong that the rope broke. To show me the strength he stuck it to the metal railing around the dock. He pulled and kicked it untill he finally got it loose.
Electro magnet would be the safest way to "magnet fish".
Last year we were getting ready to leave Chester Frost on Chickamauga and as we were coming past the dock we saw a guy throwing something in the lake attached to a rope and pulling it back up , we didn't have a clue to what he was doing until we got to the ramp , guy was magnet fishing, worst part is he was throwing in between people trying to actually fish off the dock, thought it was pretty rude on his part as a family pulled up all their gear and left , the other fisherman were just standing there staring in disbelief at the nerve of the guy

I want to get a magnet now lol
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Old 12-21-2020, 11:12 PM
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Originally Posted by SAMBOLIE View Post
Funny you mention magnet fishing. I was at Shutes Branch recently when a fellow threw out a magnet. I have seen this on YouTube but never in person. I was inquisitive. He was using a 300 lb capacity. Said he lost a 500 lb because it stuck so strong that the rope broke. To show me the strength he stuck it to the metal railing around the dock. He pulled and kicked it untill he finally got it loose.
Electro magnet would be the safest way to "magnet fish".

I’ll build you an electro magnet if you let me video you throwing it into the water😂

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