Originally Posted by jaybird
Yep - my white spoon from Academy works better than my flex spoon but that is the ticket
That "white spoon" from Academy is most likely a War Eagle spoon. Academy and Walmart carry them although they generally only have the one ounce spoons, whereas I prefer the smaller 3/4 oz spoons, but both will work.
I have sticky back prism tape and cut a 1/4 inch wide strip and stick it on one side of the white spoon. On the other side, I either leave white or take permanent markers and put a red/yellow/blue/green, etc stripe the length of the spoon. Then, whichever color they prefer that day, that's what i give them.
I also like to put a slight bend in the spoons to give it more of a fluttering drop rather than a straight down fall.
Some folks say the War Eagles won't bend, but I have no trouble bending them by hand. Granted, I'm Superman, but still most common men will be able to bend them too.
OK, prolly not SAMBOLIE. He has trouble bending cooked spaghetti around a fork, chewed bubble gum around his finger or the booger around his fingernail before he eats it.....but that's none of my business.