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Old 07-13-2016, 10:40 AM
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Originally Posted by Headhunter View Post
Tournaments have no interest for me. I could care less about making any money fishing, I enjoy fishing and have no need to prove anything to anyone. I know I could guide, and kind of do on occasion for certain people, but I spend way to much time to find the fish just to take someone, show them what I have learned and then when I want to go fish there is always someone sitting where I want to fish. I do my best to avoid that happening anymore.

...So many people have no clue how to use depthfinder (or an anchor as a depthfinder which I have done many times) and how to triangulate to mark a spot. I know for a fact many fishermen today would be lost if you took their electronics away from them. I learned with a flasher and a paper map. It is not rocket science, but so many will NOT put in the time to find the fish. Also, you will hear people say so many things as to why you will not catch fish, it is windy, it is raining, it is cloudy, don't fish to shallow, don't fish to deep, etc.
About the exact way I feel, I expended an immense amount of time to learning the area(s) by fishing them...searching the maps and determining the techniques I wish to use matched to the conditions and the fish.

There are no secret spots although...its all plainly on the map for everyone to see to fish or hunt, technique on the other hand is only through experience regardless to how many videos or guide trips one may have endured.
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Old 07-13-2016, 10:54 AM
Headhunter Headhunter is offline
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Yep, notorious. It is all good carrying people fishing (and hunting) til you get "burned" and it changes quickly. Also when you run into the lazy ones, want you to show them everything, let them know when the "bite" whatever it may be is on, and then they are ready to go. Of course, many times they miss it, because animals can be .... animals, and things change. I am very careful about who I take hunting or fishing.
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Old 07-13-2016, 02:54 PM
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Originally Posted by Headhunter View Post

So many people have no clue how to use depthfinder (or an anchor as a depthfinder which I have done many times) and how to triangulate to mark a spot. I know for a fact many fishermen today would be lost if you took their electronics away from them. I learned with a flasher and a paper map.
AAaahh ... A kindred spirit. I still fish thata way.

This unit is up front on my boat :

Enjoyed your write up and pictures !
Hope you stay on 'em for a good long while...
... As far as where they go when they disappear, maybe now a day's they got some fancy radio transmitting tag you could put on 'em
I've been doing so much with so little for so long now that I can practically do anything with nothing.

More info about Hendersonville and Old Hickory lake fishing at my site:
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Old 07-13-2016, 09:27 PM
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Good ol FL-8. I have one on my duck boat. It was my ice fishing flasher for MN. A few years ago I hammered the hybrid, by marking the fish, then marking my jig and I watched them fly up to eat it. Pretty cool

Keep Livin' the Dream!

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