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Old 06-30-2012, 07:35 AM
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Originally Posted by tkwalker View Post
bd, you know I don't know where they get these temp records ... I can remember back in the early 80's in Gallatin a rash of heat that lasted about a week and I saw the $$ bank temps reading 113 deg. But thank the God of nature that we have low Humidity now ... running 16 % to 23 % (This is Arizona weather) .. If the humidity was higher we would have some rain !! It has not rained at my house since April ... It has rained North and South but not where I live !!!??? ...

My pond has dropped 3 feet and I am running my aerator 24/7 just to try to keep the $100 worth of Bream I stocked 4 weeks ago ... I was only running the Aerator 8 hours a day until a big fish kill ... Pond dropped to low ... No OXY (not a temp problem) I filled two commercial trashcans with dead 2 to 4 pound bass, Large bream, gizzard shade, carp, and cats ... Thank goodness for the buzzards ... They cleaned up all I could not reach for about three days ... It was beginning to smell worce than a pig farm around here until they showd up !!

I have an UN-insulated metal building in front of my Old Outboard Barn which is my shop .. ... I usually see 100 deg's in the summer I have 8 fans going and we get use to it ... I never complain !!! I'll take hot over cold any day in my old age !!! I hate Cold !! Today it read 116 deg ... No problem ... Low Humidity ... I HATE COLD ... I will never complain about How Hot it gets ... as long as I am cool when I eat and sleep LOL !! ... Plus the Millers thru the day easies the pain !! <'TK><

PS ... I am going to go thru all of the post from the beginning of the first gathering interest that Don brought up ... I am going to ask for a volunteer committee to work with me and Don (TNJUG) to make our Oct. Gathering a more organized event ... Most of this can be done thru the the website or private messages or email ... Then as we get closer to the date; I want to invite the committee to my place so we can finalize it ... And eat a Hot dog and drink a coke or whatever ...

Newbie would you be interested ... also anyone else ... There were so many who seemed to be really pumped ... Lets hear from you ... Don is the Daddy Rabbit of this and we will work together ... <'TK>< [/I][/B][/SIZE][/FONT]
You know you can count me in brother!
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Old 06-30-2012, 06:22 PM
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How about stripers below OH?
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Old 06-30-2012, 09:16 PM
thehick176 thehick176 is offline
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Sign me up TK.
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Old 07-01-2012, 08:37 AM
bd- bd- is offline
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Originally Posted by tkwalker View Post
bd, you know I don't know where they get these temp records ... I can remember back in the early 80's in Gallatin a rash of heat that lasted about a week and I saw the $$ bank temps reading 113 deg.
Keep in mind that temperatures across a given area aren't completely uniform. Within several miles, some places will tend to be a little hotter or cooler based on air flow, exposure to sun, elevation, etc. Last night I was driving home with the window down through an area on the edge of the Plateau, and I would hit patches of air in certain hollows that were different enough in temp that I could feel it get hotter or cooler.

Even if a bank thermometer is calibrated to be truly accurate (a big if), it's most likely sitting in a black-top parking lot where the temps are going to register several degrees higher than what is probably being noted at the recording station.

Those bank thermometers in Gallatin might have registered 116 when the station hit 109 Friday.

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Old 07-01-2012, 10:15 AM
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Originally Posted by bd- View Post
Keep in mind that temperatures across a given area aren't completely uniform. Within several miles, some places will tend to be a little hotter or cooler based on air flow, exposure to sun, elevation, etc. Last night I was driving home with the window down through an area on the edge of the Plateau, and I would hit patches of air in certain hollows that were different enough in temp that I could feel it get hotter or cooler.

Even if a bank thermometer is calibrated to be truly accurate (a big if), it's most likely sitting in a black-top parking lot where the temps are going to register several degrees higher than what is probably being noted at the recording station.

Those bank thermometers in Gallatin might have registered 116 when the station hit 109 Friday.

Your absolutely correct bd, I have experienced these same temp changes while riding my motorcycle, jeep and such at night especially in the rural settings ... And I understand about some of the accurracy of the suspected Bank thermometers.

It's kind of like the "Global Warming " advocacy group placing there instrumentation near heat exchange sources in industrial areas ... Sorry bd The two just went together .... LOL !! <'TK><
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Old 07-01-2012, 04:11 PM
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113 or 107 either way it is to dang hot!
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