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Old 06-16-2014, 09:57 AM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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Default Jpp 06-14-14

Got the fiance out on the boat saturday morning....well....after a church yardsale. Hit the ramp about 9-ish, no place to park so i found me a nice shady spot on the grass under a tree fully expecting to a get a ticket from the rangers for parking on the grass, luckily, i didnt get one.
Boat traffic was worse than usual. Right off the bat, she got 6 crappies with 3 being keeps, again, the shorts were the black nose crappies that come up about 1/8" too short. It was good to see her finally getting the hang of "real" fishing. i got a few small gills and nice chunky yellow. All fish were released.
i could only handle the boats for about 2 hours, so we went and found a shallow point and did some swimming. There are a few advantages to sunny weather, slow fishing and having a girl in the boat ya know! ;-)

I did see something amazing though. there were a group of maybe 4-6 canoe-ers launching from Long Hunter, mostly kids, and a few adults, maybe some kind of youth group or something, they were paddling to some of the islands across the channel....ALL of the boaters and jet skier's and such were idling from the tip of Long hunter, past the bluffs and about a 1/3rd of the way to bryant grove. A few of the lead boats slowed down and amazingly, everybody else followed suit. Good thing too cause there were some pretty big cabin cruisers in that line that throw off some big wakes that surely would have sent those canoes and all people and gear into the water. So the pleasure boaters gained a shred of respect back from me this weekend. Ofcourse before and after the canoer's were in the clear, it was a zoo again! LOL.
All in all, a good few hours on a nice day!
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