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Old 04-01-2014, 10:12 AM
pitbull pitbull is offline
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Default Boom Boom

Bought me a new to me boat, 89 stratos 201 w/200 xp evinrude. Fished a tourny the next day on OH, few hits by the steam plant, no keepers and we headed back. As we were loading it up I kept hearing this rattle,clicking type noise which we never could determine what it was and it just stopped.... So fast forward to a couple days later which was last monday we go back out putting in at misty cove, get about a half mile up river and just as I get on plane and start trimming, theres a bog, and then some kind of death rattle to which it comes to an almost immediate stop... I'll post pics from my phone if it will let me, but the #2 cylinder has a whole big enough you can see the rod through it... Detonation most likely but why? A little research uncovers that alot of guys mistakenly pull out the baffles/silencers from the air box thinking removing the restriction makes more HP, yet I found several cases online where this was done and a short time later the motor did the same as mine, so I pull the air box, guess what? Yep chopped to pieces... So I found another Block, air box and misc. parts I needed to build another motor and Sunday it fires up much to my delight, going to test it today and see what we have...
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Old 04-01-2014, 03:53 PM
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Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
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Congratulations on the boat purchase. Sorry about the engine, hopefully it won't be to costly, and you won't miss much of the pre-spawn season.
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Old 04-01-2014, 06:10 PM
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Halli Halli is offline
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Wow Boom Boom for sure Glad you already have one rebuilt Good Luck!
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