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Old 02-15-2014, 10:50 PM
JandSCattleCo's Avatar
JandSCattleCo JandSCattleCo is offline
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Murfreesboro
Posts: 152
Default Two Upcoming Tournaments

Hey guys I was recently told about two fishing tournaments that are coming up.

The first is a crappie tournament March 8-9 on Chickamauga. This one is put on by Jared and Tommie Roper of Roper Outdoors. They put on the Crappie Adademy I went to last year. Both Jared and his dad are good people. Entry fee is $150 a team with pretty good payouts. They are also hosting a Chili CookOff where 50% of bowls sold go to St. Jude's. Info can be found at

The second is a Cystic Fibrosis fund raiser. It is a bass tournament on Old Hickory Lake May 3rd. Not sure if you all know or not but my wife has CF and battles the disease each day. Struggling with the thought of drowning in your own lungs is not something young folk should have to deal with. The current age expectancy is 37 with the less severe conditions. This tournament is also a $150 entry fee but first place is guaranteed $3500 prize money. I'm not sure yet how much of the proceeds go to the CFF but I am checking on that. Info can be found at the site below.
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