Originally Posted by Tnriverluver
Enough positives I'm going to go ahead and order some. Crickets are my go to bait for bream and last year I averaged 100-200 per trip. Lots of fun to say the least. I am just now getting into crappie fishing after being mainly a bass fisherman for over 40 years and minnows are impossible to find locally when the bait shops at the TWRA lakes are closed. I mainly troll crankbaits or jigs right now but want to widen my options. Thanks for the feedback!
if you can't get minnows for crappy fishing,you can use frozen "cocktail"shrimp that can be bought at the local food market.When you are through,place the thawed shrimp on a towel to drain the liquid and then ad table salt to make them brine.Put the brine shrimp in the freezer for future use.