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Old 06-05-2013, 08:49 PM
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I just got a new hummingbird 597 DI lth gps. Does anyone have his model how do you like them ... my last was a lowrance xx135 no gps ... let me know if it sux and i should return it bps guy told me its best selling unit they got.... any tip or tricks with the unit with down image would be appreciated
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Old 06-06-2013, 08:13 AM
Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
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Spend some time playing around here - and here -
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Old 06-06-2013, 08:13 AM
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agelesssone agelesssone is offline
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I have that same graph on the front of my boat with the trolling motor transducer.

It is a great unit. If you have trouble with trolling motor causing interference, Humminbird has an inline filter that will take care of that. When I called them about it ( it is a common issue) the rep said it would cost me $35.00. I told him since it was a problem they have with their unit that they should fix it on their dime.

I asked for a supervisor and told him that it would be easier for me to return the Humminbird unit to Basspro and buy a Lowrance unit instead.

They shipped the filter for free.

Scroll through the sonar menu and set the noise filter to high or the highest number value available. First you'll have to set the user mode to " advanced".

This is one fantastic unit. When you pass over a brushpile, you'll see a brushpile. If it's a tree, you'll see a tree. It even shows little fish like bluegills.

I think you'll like it once you get used to.

If you need some on water instruction, you can go out with me or I'll go out with you. There are some neat things about the GPS settings too.
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