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Old 05-10-2013, 02:10 AM
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Rover1966 Rover1966 is offline
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Default Anyone know of any good creeks in northern middle TN?

I was fishing Drakes creek in Portland. I now have no access to it. I have fished Bledsoe creek and Goose creek. Red River is close to me but it always seems swift.
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Old 05-10-2013, 10:47 AM
bd- bd- is offline
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I recommend against naming names of your favorite creeks on an online forum.

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Old 05-10-2013, 11:30 AM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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Originally Posted by Rover1966 View Post
I was fishing Drakes creek in Portland. I now have no access to it. I have fished Bledsoe creek and Goose creek. Red River is close to me but it always seems swift.
There are some good creeks just grab a TN map and follow the blue lines up from major rivers/lake tribs. Not intending on being a smart you know what but they are there it just takes some leg work to find. That is why its so hard to find out about them from other fishermen.

I agree with bd on the naming names part as well. Better done in pm, phone or meet a buddy to fish it.
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Old 05-11-2013, 02:51 AM
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Originally Posted by Travis C. View Post
There are some good creeks just grab a TN map and follow the blue lines up from major rivers/lake tribs. Not intending on being a smart you know what but they are there it just takes some leg work to find. That is why its so hard to find out about them from other fishermen.

I agree with bd on the naming names part as well. Better done in pm, phone or meet a buddy to fish it.
I've never been one to hoard info as to a good fishing hole. I am all for the next guy having as much fun as I have had.
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Old 05-12-2013, 04:30 PM
bd- bd- is offline
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We've had this discussion on this forum a dozen times before. For everyone who actually participates in this forum and shares information, there are bunches who just quietly read and never share. This thread, for example, has 4 posts and already over 300 views. A number of those people will keep and fillet every single fish they catch. Creeks and small ponds don't stand up to fishing pressure like a large lake does. In the past, I have seen online publicity cause some good stretches to get "loved to death" after an access site got a lot of online attention.

I'll happily share information privately with friends about good fishing spots, but I am too protective of good places to want to direct an online world full of folks with stringers and buckets (or cast nets and worse) to clean out the places I like to fish. I found the places I fish through years of scouting, reading maps, and paying dues. Why would I want to make it easy for someone I don't know to come along and fish those places out? If that's "hoarding," so be it.

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Old 05-12-2013, 04:43 PM
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To make it easy just do this - Browse around on Google Maps and find skinny blue lines along with the corresponding names of the creek. Then google search "**** Creek fishing" and you're bound to find some sort of blog or forum post or website with fishing information usually given by someone who has fished the creek and either done well or poorly.

I did this for a few months and now have a whole list of great bass fishing creeks to take my kayak out on when I buy it tomorrow! Any creeks feeding into the Cumberland anywhere, or into Priest are good ones to look into.

I feel bad for people who don't hunt and fish. They never get to experience God's creation the way we do.

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Old 07-28-2013, 01:23 PM
TomD TomD is offline
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Find these at any good book store and your on your way.

Last edited by TomD; 07-28-2013 at 01:30 PM.
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