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Old 05-10-2013, 12:29 AM
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Default False Statements By the Corps ..

After watching the video of Senator Alexander addressing tail-water restrictions with ASA Darcy and Gen. Bostick, I am still dumbfounded by their stance, and appalled at their gross lack of candor.

“We will continue to work with local authority.” Continue...? It never started. Posting outright lies in news releases and on their web site, telling the public that TWRA and KDFWR will enforce the restrictions, when both agencies have told the Corps they will not, is the antithesis of “working with local authority”. Sitting in front of that committee and willfully, or ignorantly stating that the discharge flow was 80% of the time, is actually sickening.

I choose to believe that high ranking members of our armed forces, or the political appointees with oversight, are not stupid. I must therefore back into the belief that the USACE are testing some unknown point of law, or have something nefarious in the works. Either way, ASA Darcy and Gen. Bostick both made false and misleading statements to the Committee, and should called to answer for that.

Rick Duty

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Old 05-10-2013, 02:26 AM
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Here is the link to the video of Lamar Alexander telling the CoE he will not approve their money transfers.
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Old 05-10-2013, 07:56 AM
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Originally Posted by tkwalker View Post
After watching the video of Senator Alexander addressing tail-water restrictions with ASA Darcy and Gen. Bostick, I am still dumbfounded by their stance, and appalled at their gross lack of candor.

“We will continue to work with local authority.” Continue...? It never started. Posting outright lies in news releases and on their web site, telling the public that TWRA and KDFWR will enforce the restrictions, when both agencies have told the Corps they will not, is the antithesis of “working with local authority”. Sitting in front of that committee and willfully, or ignorantly stating that the discharge flow was 80% of the time, is actually sickening.

I choose to believe that high ranking members of our armed forces, or the political appointees with oversight, are not stupid. I must therefore back into the belief that the USACE are testing some unknown point of law, or have something nefarious in the works. Either way, ASA Darcy and Gen. Bostick both made false and misleading statements to the Committee, and should called to answer for that.

Rick Duty

I am also dumbfounded. What I also got from the video that Senator Feinstein was in agreement with no she did not say that explicitly....but she certainly seemed in agreement with Alexander. Seeing the responses from Darcy and Bostic was just plain pathetic. I would hope...and assume.....that when those two got back to their offices that they would call this whole thing off. I mean Alexander is not going to back off on the funding issue which means they could not operate. It amazed me they still held their line.

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Old 05-10-2013, 10:16 AM
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Exclamation Feinstine ?? <'TK><

That floored me also Randy !!! <'TK><
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Old 05-10-2013, 12:08 PM
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Originally Posted by Alphahawk View Post
I am also dumbfounded. What I also got from the video that Senator Feinstein was in agreement with no she did not say that explicitly....but she certainly seemed in agreement with Alexander. Seeing the responses from Darcy and Bostic was just plain pathetic. I would hope...and assume.....that when those two got back to their offices that they would call this whole thing off. I mean Alexander is not going to back off on the funding issue which means they could not operate. It amazed me they still held their line.

As soon as Feinstein started talking i was like oh no...but i was also suprised

Originally Posted by tkwalker View Post
That floored me also Randy !!! <'TK><

Sent from my Droid Bionic complete with typos and sarcasm.
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Old 05-10-2013, 09:28 PM
TSprint1 TSprint1 is offline
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They really should quit fiddling around with the ASA and COE and start putting the heat on the Sec of the Army and SecDef.
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Old 05-13-2013, 02:59 PM
bigbird bigbird is offline
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Originally Posted by TSprint1 View Post
They really should quit fiddling around with the ASA and COE and start putting the heat on the Sec of the Army and SecDef.

You are correct. Take it to the top. Stop wasting time with those trolls.
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