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Old 04-29-2013, 08:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Talking What an amazing day to be fishing!!! ((BIG CARP)))Drakes Creek Park off Gallatin pike

Today I had a great day in my water boots fishing the flood action at the park!
The large mouth were lovin the June Bug color plastics!
All caught in less than 1 foot of water where the grass usually is!
Across the street on the other side of park, I had a blast spot cast in huge carp, knowing the lack of aggressiveness with carps, also knowing that they eat the vegetation, I created a different approach, I threw a ned jig head with hopes of been thinking that it was a berry. And it was successful I called about a three foot carp, after being spit out by about a5 footer!

Keep viewing my youtube channel SALTY BWS as I will be posting Of the things that I discusson the forum!
Keep the lines tight!
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