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Old 04-14-2013, 01:07 PM
RADUTY RADUTY is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2013
Location: Gallatin
Posts: 25
Default Freedom to Fish Rally - Barkley

Yesterday, we were honored to participate in another Freedom to Fish Rally, in support of the legislative efforts to stop the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, from seizing public assets, and blocking access to tail-waters below 10 dams. Hosted by dedicated Lyon County Kentucky Judge Executive Wade White, and Livingston County Judge Executive Chris Lasher, the gathering brought together the most impressive collective voice of opposition to date. Speaking to the outdoor audience in front of the Barkley Dam discharge, were U.S. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, U.S. Congressman Ed Whitfield, Senator Rand Paul, and Tennessee's own Senator Lamar Alexander.

The Judge Executives spoke passionately about Kentucky citizens' surrender of land - the whole towns that now lie below the lake, as a result of building the dam. They said the people of Kentucky have given more than their fair share to the federal government, and they will not sit idly by while the Corps makes a huge leap of arbitrary authority, and takes away prime fisheries of our Cumberland River.

The federal legislators spoke in high praise of the thousands of emails, letters and phone calls they have received on the subject. They also spoke of the processes associated with the Freedom to Fish Act, working its way through the patience tests that laws are born of. They promised not to give up on those processes and the several options at their disposal as the opportunities arise. They see the problem as most of us do. This is not just about losing a fishin' hole. This is about a fundamental infringement of freedom, and a gross violation of Public Trust Doctrine - the common law that sites ownership of the rivers and the fish as belonging to the public; held in trust for the people by the State government. The federal legislators left us with the message; "keep the fires burning". They won't back off; neither should we. Keep writing your elected officials at all levels. Let them know of your concerns and sense of urgency.

As a foot note, Rick and I plus a number of our members were present ... It was motivating ...More to come ... <'TK><
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Last edited by tkwalker; 04-14-2013 at 10:54 PM.
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