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Old 02-20-2013, 09:25 PM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Exclamation Release to the media yesterday ... <'TK><

This went out under the FTI Banner ... Sent by Rick .. <'TK><

For Immediate Release

February 18, 2013

Senator Lamar Alexander Local Public Address

Senator Lamar Alexander, along with representatives of the Tennessee Wildlife Federation, and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, will address the public on Thursday, February 21, at 11:00 a.m. The rally is intended to address the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers planned closure of tail-waters below 10 dams within the Corps’ Nashville District.

The Corps of Engineers is planning to barricade the river tail-waters below the dams, preventing boating and fishing access to areas immediately below the dams. After a series of 4 public information meetings conducted by the Corps in Kentucky and Tennessee at the request of Senator Alexander, the overwhelming public rejection of the plan has prompted the Senator to get more directly involved. Long a supporter of sportsmen and the businesses associated with Tennessee’s outdoor, travel and tourism industries, the Senator and several of his congressional colleagues from both states are opposed to the new restrictions and their potential harm to the local economy.

The rally site will be the Tailwater Access Area at Old Hickory Dam, on Cinder Road in Old Hickory. Cinder Road is a cross-street of Swinging Bridge Road. There is parking adjacent to the lock at the dam, and at the boat launch ramp. All parties interested in preserving fishing and boating access to the areas below the dams are encouraged to attend.
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