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Old 02-11-2013, 02:00 PM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Exclamation Bob Corker info From R.Duty <'TK><

Bob Corker’s FAX line is (202) 228-0566. Encourage them to draft a nice letter with the following address:

The Honorable Bob Corker

185 Dirksen Senate Office Building

Washington D.C. 20510

It may may add to the stature of the letter if it came from a coalition (like, over the signature of many. I‘ve found that my letters as an individual have been well received. But – Corker is still sitting on the fence, and thinks this issue is in debate, and a final outcome has yet to be decided by the Corps. Obviously, he has not been into this like Lamar Alexander, Governor Beshear and others. Let Corker know, the Corps is ignoring public and congressional input, and is proceeding on an autocratic course. Maybe it’ll sink in, if enough of us encourage him to speak to his colleagues, and listen to his constituents.
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