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Old 02-10-2013, 03:33 PM
2atmsu 2atmsu is offline
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Default Bass Spawning on Old Hickory

Does anyone here have an opinion as to what creeks on Old Hickory are better for bass spawning? And why? Thanks in advance for your opinions.
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Old 02-10-2013, 09:05 PM
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I dont know about which creek is better. I have seen them spawn in most all of them, but they do not spawn in all creeks at the same time. Creeks and bays that warm faster will get spawning bass first and then the other ones will get spawners later in the season.

Also depending on how much water is flowing in the main channel, it can be totally different from the sites near the channel to those way in the back of creeks. If we have high flow, it usually means cooler water in the channel during the spring and spawning will start way back in the creeks first. In low water years, the difference it not as great.

Timing the spawn is not always easy, but if you fish enough around the full moons of April, May and June you will probably find them somewhere. Getting them to bite is a whole different issue

Good luck,
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Old 02-11-2013, 08:18 AM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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Like Jim said they will spawn in pretty much all of them at some point during the spring. Spring fed areas and typically north banks/bays will warm sooner especially the ones sheltered from wind.

The only other thing about when I'll add is there have been some really big bass caught as early as late Feb & March. Usually if you wait until the water is just right and the moons are just right then you'll definitely catch spawners but you've missed the really big sows that have started spawning earlier.

I'd start looking in March.
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Old 02-11-2013, 10:06 PM
bd- bd- is offline
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It seems like areas with a creek flowing in are magnets for spawning bass on Old Hickory. So much of the lake has a soft, mucky, silty substrate that the fish really seek out the areas with a good clean bottom.

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