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Old 02-07-2013, 02:15 PM
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Exclamation Congressional Fax Numbers and Note <'TK><

FishingTN members have some serious reach. So here’s some numbers you may want to pass forward.

The congressmen that aligned with the sportsmen in opposing the Corps, may not represent the district in which we live. The email forms on their respective web sites contain dialog boxes requiring zip codes. The sites are programmed to reject or forward zip codes that are not within that specific legislator’s district. Still, a brief “thanks”, by many of us, may go a long way in keeping the issue on their radar. For those of us with access to fax machines, a brief note will get through. And, my personal experiences suggest that the fax letters are answered with more specifics (less boiler plate routine, “we appreciate your message...”) pointing to the plausibility that someone actually digested the content, and applied some thought to a real reply. Here are Washington D.C. office Fax Numbers for most of the congressmen who spoke up:

Diane Black (202) 225-6887

Marsha Blackburn “ “ 3004

Jim Cooper “ 226-1035 (Odd that his prefix is listed different from the rest. Try 225 if there’s an issue.)

John Duncan “ 225-6440

Stephen Fincher “ “ 1765

Phil Roe “ “ 5714

Ed Whitfield “ “ 3547

Regardless of whose district we live in, I’d thank all of them.

Our two Senators (one of which has been conspicuously quiet) can be reached by email through their web sites from anywhere in the country. But if a fax letter is the preference, their D.C. fax numbers are:

Lamar Alexander (202) 228-3398

Bob Corker “ “ 0566

Here’s the simple thank you note I’ve sent to all of the above:

On behalf of myself, fellow Tennessee outdoorsmen, professional guides, travel, tourism and hospitality workers, my marine mechanic Cletus, Haji at the gas station and Fred behind the sporting goods counter at Wal-Mart – THANK YOU, for taking a position opposing the Corps of Engineers plan to close off tail-waters below OUR dams; not theirs.

Under Title 36, CFR Chapter 3, Part 327, the Corps is required to manage the resources of each project, “in the public interest.” The Corps will find it impossible to define the public’s interest if they continue to play deaf. Thank you for amplifying our collective voices.

What’s the next steps as you see ‘em?

Last edited by tkwalker; 02-08-2013 at 12:29 AM.
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Old 02-15-2013, 01:34 AM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Default Keep it going !!! <'TK><

Keep pumping !!!! Please copy and paste and fax the simple thank you note above !! <'TK><
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