TK- I agree, the letter does not have a lot of meat. My reply to Congresswoman Blackburns staff in part was...
"The problem is that the Corps seems to have made up their mind. These Q and A are directly from the Nashville District website.
Q13. The statistics do not support your reasoning for restricting fishing at the dams. What can be done to reverse the Corps' decision to restrict fishing at the dams? Answer: Restricting access is a regulatory requirement and the right thing to do to protect lives, safeguard operations, and to enhance security. The Nashville District made the decision to fully implement Corps policy of restricting waterborne public access in the best interest of boater and visitor safety.
Q16. We have a number of petition signatures against these restrictions. Will the Corps change its decision based on public opposition?
Answer: No, regulatory guidance requires us to establish restricted areas for the hazardous waters around dams. The Corps understands this change in policy may be unpopular for some visitors but public safety is paramount regarding all project operations. "
We all need to continue to ask the reps to be involved in the meeting with General Bostwick. Waiting for public meetings does not seem to be working or this would have changed already since everyone at the meetings held to date have been opposed to the restrictions.
Travis- attached are the page 2 signatures. Didn't realize I had missed them the first time.