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Old 09-29-2012, 08:16 PM
Posts: n/a
Default How cool is this?

You are never going to believe what happened to me today, went to go to Bass Pro to get a new 3 bank on board charger for my bass boat. Pulled in and when I got out of my truck, laying on the ground was a bass pro gift card still in the wrapper. It was one of the that went from $15.00 to $500.00, I called the number on the back and it had been activated three hours earlier and the amount was $200.00. I went inside and told the folks at the customer service desk what I had found and then asked had anyone reported loosing it. They replied "Nope" So my 3 bank on board battery charger that cost $199.89 and that was on sale for $179.89 cost me 0.... What a great day!
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