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Old 07-16-2012, 09:12 PM
Alphahawk's Avatar
Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
Master Trout Magnet
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Columbia, TN
Age: 73
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Default The Caney 7-16-2012

My son and I had a great day on the Caney. We only caught Brookies but we had all of those we wanted. Headed down to the bend...and deep water looking for some Bows and or bigger fish. We found neither. Got soaked but dried out quickly. On the way down the river passed Marshall...he was catching fish on the way down and also as we came back up river. He was also still catching fish as we loaded the kayaks and headed home...LOL. I think he has it worse than me...LOL. The water down at the first bend is much warmer than at the dam. I had given my son a new crank bait and a monstrous Brown followed it to the kayak....I figured that would happen when I told him to put it on and start cranking. That was the only one. He spotted a large Brown by a log and worked it over pretty good with several types of lures but it wasn't budging. We finished out up at the Pond until we had enough. Always good to fish with your son...already making plans for next week.

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File Type: jpg Bookie on Caney100_1746.jpg (125.3 KB, 73 views)
File Type: jpg Brookie on the Caney100_1748.jpg (172.1 KB, 70 views)
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