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Old 12-30-2011, 07:20 PM
rick mcferrin
Posts: n/a
Default Tims Ford 12-30-2011

Tim's Ford 12-30-2012

You can view all pictures on my web site. I fished Tim's today by myself and had the best crankbait day that I have had this winter. Water temp was 49 degrees and extremely windy...25-30pmh. At times the waves would come over the front of the boat when you were headed into the wind. I did the best I could taking pictures-it was hard keeping the camera on the seat long enough for it to flash....I caught 20 plus today with some great fish not pictured-just to much to handle by myself. I caught everything on the baits that you see in the picture below. Rapala #7 Bleeding Olive Shad Rap-#7 Rapala Bleeding Chartreuse Shad Rap, Rapala DT6 Red Craw and a Rapala DT6 Hot Mustard I also caught a couple on the Long John Swim Bait with a VMC Smoochin Head 1/4ounce Swim Head Everything on Sufix 6lb Pro Mix Rick McFerrin
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