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Old 11-30-2011, 05:12 AM
rick mcferrin
Posts: n/a
Default Tims Ford 11-29-2011

Tim's Ford 11-29-2011

Thanksgiving travels are over now back to chasing those brown fish. Today Jerry Steakley and I had a good day on Tim's catching over 15 Largemouth-Smallmouth and Spots (oh yes 1 big Crappie) on a combination of baits including a 018 Luhr-Jensen Tire Tiger Crystal Speed Trap and a Rootbeer Speed Trap. Water colors varied from the upper end where there is a lot of color to mostly clear in the middle part of the lake. We saw water temps that ranged from 52 to 55 degrees and the lake is up 3 feet due to all the rain that we have had over the past several days. It rained-sleeted and snowed on us today and the winds were brisk at 15mph plus. As always the Sufix Pro Mix Mono came through like a champ. Jerry and I always have a good time fishing together and today was no exception. More to come later this week Lord willing. Rick McFerrin
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