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Old 10-17-2011, 08:24 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
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Default Nickajack 10-17-11

Started out trying to catch Spots....nothing for me with those. Then tried to catch some Crappie with the Crappie go there either. There was a guy in his boat near me and he told me he had been there before Sunrise and had only caught a few short Crappie and he said he just wanted to catch one good one before he left. He left at 11:45 and I decided to switch to my Trout Magnet UL rod and at least catch some Bluegill after driving all that way....the Crappie Magnet had not produced any fish. First cast and I knew what I had on...a very nice Crappie. I did not bring a cooler as I was not going to fish for Crappie....what a mistake. I caught 60 fish just like what you see in the pics. All of the pics are of different fish. The box is 11 inches long and 7 1/4 inch wide. I lost two fish that I had at the bank that were 3 pound can't horse those on 2# test. Am going back Wednesday and spend the night. I think I am allowed to have a limit in my cooler with me afield caught from the previous I can limit out Wednesday and Thursday...but I will make sure of this. These fish were all in the 12 to 14 inch range.

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Old 10-17-2011, 10:37 PM
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Nice catch never been there but that makes it tempting
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Old 10-18-2011, 05:47 AM
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tnjimbob tnjimbob is offline
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Great catch! some nice crappie there. Hope you get some more when you go back.
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