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Old 09-10-2011, 01:38 AM
Foundationman 1
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Default Cordell Hull large mouth record

I have been searching everywhere to no avail to find out what the large mouth bass record is for Cordell Hull Lake?
anyone know, i fish this lake at least twice a week and have been pulling in 4-8 lb large mouth. my largest is 9 lb 4 oz. i took pictures and threw it back.
was this a lake record?
Thanks for your help.
by the way I have been out on Cordell Hull every friday pm, saturday and sunday and the large mouth are still hitting on top water in am and pm and have had great luck with TX rigs black works during the 10-4 times.
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Old 09-10-2011, 08:21 AM
bd- bd- is offline
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I'm not sure if anyone keeps official "lake records" for Cordell Hull. If anybody does, it would be the Resource Manager's Office for the Corps of Engineers. That's who maintains the Lake Records for Old Hickory and Percy Priest.

You'll note that the Corps Resource Manager's webpage for Old Hickory and Percy Priest list the lake records (the link is under the FAQ section). The Cordell Hull page does not. That leads me to believe the Resource Manager for Cordell probably does not keep lake records.

In case you're curious, here are the Old Hickory and Percy Priest lake record pages:

The only way to be sure would be to call and ask.

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Old 09-10-2011, 05:54 PM
clean air
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Old Randal Featherston with the lake record rockfish!My biggest is 42 on old hick but alot bigger than that has been caught. Alot of us started fishing Tims when he caught that one.The Elk river was the best place to be in the 80s I think.
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Old 09-12-2011, 06:26 PM
Foundationman 1
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Default thanks for the info

Thaks for the info, it doesnt seem like Cordell Hull is as popular as the surrounding lakes so there are no records. However this lake does offer two for one deals.
Has this ever happen to you. Large mouth and Sauger on the same lure? I can tell you which one NOT to grab by the lip!
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Old 09-13-2011, 11:17 AM
bd- bd- is offline
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I have caught two largemouth at a time on the same crankbait, but never mixed species like that.

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Old 09-15-2011, 05:44 AM
Foundationman 1
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Default Large mouth and Sauger

BD, this was a first for me as well, I have caught 3 whites at a time in TX with a slab spoon and 2 small jigs placed 4 " apart above the slab spoon, but this was something very unsual. it was also quite a fight and i got so excited that I landed both of them I "lipped" the lage mouth and then the Sauger. well, 3 stitches later I have leared not to do that again. I was at Defeated Creek bank fishing and I must have had 10 people take pictures when I got these landed.
by the way this is my 1 st time posting a picture, did it come tru alright?

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Old 09-16-2011, 12:00 PM
bd- bd- is offline
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It came through just fine, though you have to click the link to see it. If you want to "embed" the picture in your post, you need to use html IMG tags. First, upload your picture to a photo hosting site (I use Photobucket). Then type IMG in brackets, put in your link, and then type /IMG in brackets after the link. It'll show up in the post then.

By brackets I mean these: [ ]

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