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Old 08-30-2011, 04:43 PM
rick mcferrin
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Default Tims Ford 8-30-2011

Tim's Ford 8-30-2011

This was a tough one on Tim's today for Terry and I. We actually ran to our first spot before daylight and was poised and waiting for sun rise. We had the opportunity for 5 fish and caught 3 (above) At least in the area of the lake where we were (and did so well last week) it was dead. There was still a lot of bait but nothing in them. We even dropped live bait down on suspended fish with zero results. We loaded out at 10:00am. The big hybrid was caught on a Luhr Jensen Spoon and 6lb test Sufix Pro Mix Mono I keep telling everyone how strong but yet smooth this line is and I'll keep telling need to buy some and try it....fantastic. The spot is one of the largest that I have caught on Tim's so far. It hit a Prowler Slim Jim rigged weightless 8lb Sufix Pro Mix and a razor sharp 3/0 VMC Wide Gap Worm Hook I intended to fish Thursday but the lake is already very busy with ski boats.......might just set this out until after the holiday......Rick
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Old 08-31-2011, 08:30 AM
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Thanks for the report Rick, that sure is a nice Hybrid, wish you could have caught a few more though.
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Old 08-31-2011, 11:15 AM
rick mcferrin
Posts: n/a

Tim's is Tim' day your the bug---next day the windshield...try-try-try again....Rick
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