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Old 03-27-2011, 10:40 PM
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navydocivan navydocivan is offline
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Default new down scan depth finders

So has anyone on here tried these yet? I bought the lowrance X135 last yr for my boat. Its a mid range b&w graph with decent wattage.. It is kinda nice but I doubt it put and more fish in my boat. It is really helpfull to keep me in the channel when running old hickory or percy priest though .. which has probably saved my prop a few times. Side scan depth finder is definaterly out .. they way too high priced .. cant justify that. but I was looking at bass pro shops at these new down scan and they seem pretty cool. I looked at both lowrance and hummingbird and to me the hummingbird appears to be a much better bang for the buck. I definately dont wanna have to buy that extra equipment that lowrance requires and the whole GPS to me is over kill too not gonna get lost on old hickory or priest. Any one with experience with them or any general comments welcomed..
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Old 03-28-2011, 10:55 AM
Buccaneer Buccaneer is offline
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What is your preferred price range? Your X135 does not have GPS, how does it keep you in the lake/river channel? With the tranducer on the transom, by the time you are too shallow its too late. I have the HB 788Ci with Navionics Premium map card and I am using a QuadraBeam transducer (poor man's side imaging). The GPS Map detail is outstanding, the unit has 640x640 pixel resolution, and the sonar features are great. I think you would find color is also a significant benefit as compared to gray scale. The 788 unit is now available with Down Imaging. Go to for the best pricing and service. Also if you want to do more research, go to aqnd look at the Humminbird and Lowrance forums.
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