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Old 01-01-2011, 02:30 PM
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whrizob whrizob is offline
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Default oh lake report 12/29/10

wed dec 29 2010, i decided to try a different area on the lake for bass fishing. as i have reported before, ive been spending most my time fishing big creeks. but during that tournament a couple weeks ago, the big fish came off a main lake point. so i decided to concentrate on big fish on this day. water temp was 41 degrees when i got there at 9:00 am. pulled up on a main lake point on the lower end of the lake and fish a 1/2 once jig off it. i like a 3/8 this time of year, but with the depth i was fishing (25ft) and the wind and rain blowing me around; i went with the 1/2 oz so it will get down faster and stay put. i caugth 2 non keepers off that point. i was suprised since i was throwing such a big bait. this point was the start of a bluff that runs about 800 yards, i decided to fish it all the way down. i had no luck at all. i threw jigs, a jigging spoon under bait fish, and a finesse worm; but nothing. so i decided to stick with points, since thats where i caugth some. pulled up on the next one and started dragging a jig. after about 15 mins, i just wasnt seeing any fish in the graph; so i decided to try a secondary point to see if they were there. at this point, water temp is 42.7. skimmed over the area with depth finder, and bam! found them stack off the tip of the point. i caught 4 fish off this one point (a secondary point), but still no keepers! it started raining harder, so i hurried and went to another secondary point i wanted to try; but it was geting to rough, so i came off. i ended the day with 6 fish and no keepers and could only catch fish fishing slow. i threw big jigs tryin to catch a big fish and it wasnt meant to be. still not bad to me for this water temp and weather!

Last edited by whrizob; 01-01-2011 at 02:34 PM.
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Old 01-02-2011, 09:41 AM
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Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
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That's pretty good for the weather we have been getting. At least you are sticking with a pattern and trying to figure it out instead of changing lures all the time, and running and gunning. I find if you pick a point and then 2 or 3 predictible winter patterns you can usually pick up a few fish off one point, or flat that has deep water access. Keep up the hard work, and I'm sure it will pay off soon.


Last edited by Reel Tune; 01-02-2011 at 09:49 AM.
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Old 01-02-2011, 02:51 PM
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thanks man! but yeah, i just slow things way down and try not to over think what to do. seems to work well enough for me. there might be bettter ways to catch more fish, but i have not figured it out yet! lol!
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Old 01-03-2011, 09:16 AM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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Good report man.

I think I am gonna put to long skinny rod down for a little while and pick back up the curados.

If I had a place to let to boat dry in heat, I'd gave you a call on New Years eve to go somewhere. Right now the garage is full.
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Old 01-03-2011, 03:35 PM
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whrizob whrizob is offline
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Originally Posted by Travis C. View Post
Good report man.

I think I am gonna put to long skinny rod down for a little while and pick back up the curados.

If I had a place to let to boat dry in heat, I'd gave you a call on New Years eve to go somewhere. Right now the garage is full.

thanks man, but no problem! its dry now! we need to do some fishing! you sure u know how to throw anything but i fly rod now?
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