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Old 08-15-2021, 09:33 AM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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Default Cumberland river

Some of you know me when I joined this group Feb 2018 trying to figure out how to fish Tenn waters, then it was how to operate a "real" bass boat and learning how to setup and use a bait caster. Wow, how time has flown... Last yr everything was coming together and I was really beginning to enjoy myself, catching fish. But the one fish that kept eluded me was catfish. I could catch them while trolling or bass fishing with a crank bait in a lake, but fishing for them in the river... Yea right.

This yr has been a strange yr, I've not been able to make time for bass fishing, but I have been joining the local catfishing tournaments. Its just 7 or 8 boats of local guys that are all friends. I appreciate them welcoming me within their fold, born and raised in the area and have fished the river all their lives.

Anyways, 4 weeks ago I caught my first 2 river catfish for a total of 9.86 lbs. Last week we did a benefit Tourn for someone fighting cancer and raised just over $1000, I was fishless, but this weekend I I managed to catch 3 more. Yes I'm still finishing last place but not empty handed.

Today was not your typical day, I was fishing one rod for cats and the other rod was for big cat or big stripper (rock fish). What I caught was nothing I was prepared to catch... At first I thought I hung the bottom like I normally do, then I noticed some lift and thought.. great I hung on some bottom drift wood. Then I noticed the line was going up river beside my boat and not 25 yards down river. After about 5 mins of working this dead weight, it surfaced and I couldn't believe my eyes.. it was a fish alright and down she went... For the next 15 mins I was expecting my rod to break... line to snap... something. You know how hard it is to try to take a picture while fighting a fish for proof that you even hung on to something like this.. Keep in mind I have 16 other guys to try and convince I even hung on to this beast, never mind caught... Well anyhow, I finally tired her out and managed to get about a 3rd of her in the net and get it in the boat.

I'm fishing alone, no other boats around, how the hell am I going to share my fishing story, the biggest fish I have ever caught in my life..? I get it in the boat yet she is still full of fight and she is trying her dam best not to cooperate. Yes I caught a Sturgeon 35 lbs... aprox 50" long. All I had was a small 24" tape measure and she's slapping me and bouncing around. Then taking a picture was a whole new challenge trying to remember how to get to the self timer setting. So I apologize to the fish for the way I had to hold her but it's not like I had someone to help me here and I wanted to return it to the water as quickly as possible.

Who would have though that I would hook onto a species that is 10's of thousands of yrs old.... 24 hrs and I'm still stoked .

Next fish is a Stripper... By god I want to catch one
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Old 08-15-2021, 02:21 PM
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NICE CATCH !!!!!!!!!!

Most of us only dream of a catch like that.

Not surprising that those good ol boys let you in their tournament. Easy money is always welcome. Ask me how I know.
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Old 08-16-2021, 08:35 PM
FishAddict FishAddict is offline
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Great fish right there....Lifetime memory.
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Old 08-18-2021, 09:05 AM
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That's an awesome catch. There is always this excitement/dread while fighting a fish that long.
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Old 08-20-2021, 02:48 PM
buickfan70 buickfan70 is offline
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What a great catch!! Something neat you can do is send the catch info to Tn Fish and Game and they will mail you a nice certificate to honor the catch; kinda like the T.A.R.P. Trophy fish awards. I saw the info in the Tn fishing guide that Walmart and sporting good stores give out every year.
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Old 08-21-2021, 05:46 AM
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Originally Posted by Flatline View Post
Next fish is a Stripper... By god I want to catch one
They aren't hard to catch. Just wrap you pole with $$$$.
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Old 08-23-2021, 01:15 AM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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Originally Posted by SAMBOLIE View Post
They aren't hard to catch. Just wrap you pole with $$$$.

I think I'll stick to skipjack chunks
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Old 08-26-2021, 07:47 PM
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Originally Posted by Flatline View Post
Some of you know me when I joined this group Feb 2018 trying to figure out how to fish Tenn waters, then it was how to operate a "real" bass boat and learning how to setup and use a bait caster. Wow, how time has flown... Last yr everything was coming together and I was really beginning to enjoy myself, catching fish. But the one fish that kept eluded me was catfish. I could catch them while trolling or bass fishing with a crank bait in a lake, but fishing for them in the river... Yea right.

This yr has been a strange yr, I've not been able to make time for bass fishing, but I have been joining the local catfishing tournaments. Its just 7 or 8 boats of local guys that are all friends. I appreciate them welcoming me within their fold, born and raised in the area and have fished the river all their lives.

Anyways, 4 weeks ago I caught my first 2 river catfish for a total of 9.86 lbs. Last week we did a benefit Tourn for someone fighting cancer and raised just over $1000, I was fishless, but this weekend I I managed to catch 3 more. Yes I'm still finishing last place but not empty handed.

Today was not your typical day, I was fishing one rod for cats and the other rod was for big cat or big stripper (rock fish). What I caught was nothing I was prepared to catch... At first I thought I hung the bottom like I normally do, then I noticed some lift and thought.. great I hung on some bottom drift wood. Then I noticed the line was going up river beside my boat and not 25 yards down river. After about 5 mins of working this dead weight, it surfaced and I couldn't believe my eyes.. it was a fish alright and down she went... For the next 15 mins I was expecting my rod to break... line to snap... something. You know how hard it is to try to take a picture while fighting a fish for proof that you even hung on to something like this.. Keep in mind I have 16 other guys to try and convince I even hung on to this beast, never mind caught... Well anyhow, I finally tired her out and managed to get about a 3rd of her in the net and get it in the boat.

I'm fishing alone, no other boats around, how the hell am I going to share my fishing story, the biggest fish I have ever caught in my life..? I get it in the boat yet she is still full of fight and she is trying her dam best not to cooperate. Yes I caught a Sturgeon 35 lbs... aprox 50" long. All I had was a small 24" tape measure and she's slapping me and bouncing around. Then taking a picture was a whole new challenge trying to remember how to get to the self timer setting. So I apologize to the fish for the way I had to hold her but it's not like I had someone to help me here and I wanted to return it to the water as quickly as possible.

Who would have though that I would hook onto a species that is 10's of thousands of yrs old.... 24 hrs and I'm still stoked .

Next fish is a Stripper... By god I want to catch one
Call TWRA and tell them what you caught with all the details, length, weight, etc

They will send you a nice certificate to hang on your wall.
I did that a couple years ago for my friend Harry when he caught a 44"er below OH dam.

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Old 08-30-2021, 10:18 AM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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Thanks, I've already contacted them a few days after I caught it and the young lady has returned my call and she thanked me and stated they were going to send me something.
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Old 09-04-2021, 07:18 AM
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Good stuff Flatline! I've always seen videos of them out west but it's been a dream to catch them on this side of the Mississippi! Congrats!!

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