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Old 01-10-2020, 04:17 PM
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Default Health update TK

Hi folks, well Like I told some of you previously I would let you know what the latest was after seeing my Urologist Today after the eleventh day from The kidney removal. Here is the Good and Bad...

The Bad first.. There are three types of kidney cancers. The most common type is usually 65% +/- of overall kidney cancers and the second is 35% overall and the rarest, and most aggressive is 1% & to 2% overall, it is called Sarcomatoid Grade IV. This is what the mass on my kidney was at Stage T3a.

The Good... In October (I found out today from my Dr.) That they almost lost me from Septic shock. But fate stepped in and the cat scan showed the Mass on my Right Kidney which had nothing to do with my Septic shock. Dr. Hawkins said that the kidney removal was very successful especially with the fact that he removed all of the attached elements of the mass. So far tests show that there is no evidence of the cancer active in my body or has attacked any organs or bone.

Usually no Oncologist measures are required at this point, But do to the fact that this is Sarcomatoid cancer and aggressive, my urologist Dr. (Hawkins) is linking me up with an Oncologist to monitor as well as possible start me on some preventive meds. It appears I will be well taken care of and seeing Dr. Hawkins and possible the Oncologist every six weeks..

As far as how I feel, the surgery is healing even though I have to grab a pillow and hold my stomach if I have to sneeze or couch LOL !! My energy level is a little low at this point but hopefully it will increase. The down side to all of this is my knee replacements may never take place which is what really hurts me the most .. But we'll see, one day at a time ... As Lawana says "It is better to know the devil you know than the devil you don't" .... TK
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Old 01-10-2020, 05:52 PM
buickfan70 buickfan70 is offline
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Well sounds like you dodged a bullet on this. Glad you got a good report.
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Old 01-10-2020, 09:58 PM
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Glad you are on the upside Mr.

We all love ya as a Fellow Tennessean and hope nothing but the best for you!
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Old 01-11-2020, 10:55 AM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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TK I don't know you really, but I wish you the very best...
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Old 01-11-2020, 08:55 PM
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God bless you TK, fight like hell man!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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