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Old 02-27-2019, 08:00 PM
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Default From a soldier serving in Afghanistan

From a soldier serving in Afghanistan

This guy’s opinion of the “women in white” attending
the SOTU is exactly right.

I realize this a little late, but keep in mind I am in Afghanistan and had to watch the
State Of The Union on a recording the next day. I also had to work while all of this
was going on. However, I do have a few words to say from what I observed.

Our Representatives in the House and Senate are civil servants. They are elected to
represent their districts. They are not rulers or leaders. They work for us and are
supposed to vote the way their constituents want. As far as civil servants go, they would
be considered the elite, but still work for us none the less.

I saw a bunch of women dressed in white. Not a single American Flag lapel pin among them.
They failed to stand and clap for an ICE agent who has saved hundreds of children from
human trafficking. They failed to clap for a little girl who beat cancer. They failed to clap for
just about anything that made America a better place. I guess the Democratic Party is still the
Party of the KKK. It appears that they have gotten rid of their hoods over time. And let’s not
forget that the League of Nazi Socialist Women who supported Hitler’s dream of a socialist paradise
always went to public events dressed in white.

My biggest issue on what I saw was the hatred and lack of any respect whatsoever among the
Democrats. It started with Nancy Pelosi and her stupid childish hand clap as the President of the
United States entered. The State of the Union was a great speech. One of the best I have ever heard.
If not the very best I have heard. He did not talk about Republican issues. He spoke of America ’s
issues. He spoke to and for the forgotten people of this country. When he spoke of all the
accomplishments under his administration, they were astronomical. The Democrats sat and all looked
pissed off. When he spoke of the way ahead to continue the forward progress of America , they sat
and all looked pissed off. When he said we are here to compromise not for our political party, but for
America , they sat and all looked pissed off. Now, keep in mind, these are adults and elected officials.
As a child, had I looked at my parents that way, I would have gotten my butt beat with a belt. As
an adult in the military, I would have gotten Non Judicial Punishment where they would have taken
rank or money from me. As a civilian contractor, if I looked at my military counterparts or company
supervisors that way, I would be fired and sent back home. If you are a person who goes out drinking
at clubs, should you look at someone like that, you would be in a fight.

These people are NOT adults. They are very old petulant children. If their parents were still alive, their
Dad’s would be taking a belt to them for being so disrespectful and childish. Every one of them is an
embarrassment to their office, the government, and the United States . And that is exactly how the rest
of the world sees them. I work with members from many countries over here. I am proud of my country.
But I hang my head in shame when they talk about how childish our government officials are. For anyone
who voted these people into office, how can you even stand to look at yourself in the mirror each morning?
You are just as big of disgrace to this country as they are.
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Old 02-27-2019, 08:32 PM
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Exclamation Yep !! <'TK><

Thanks Sambolie for the POST .... <'TK><
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Old 02-27-2019, 11:55 PM
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Samboli Thanks for posting this article. This soldier has wisdom beyond his years.
I was thinking the very same thing as I watched the SOTUS. Ignorance is running rampant in our population. I hear politicians complaining about "our democracy". Of all the people in this country you would think the elected politicians would know that America is a "Constitutional Republic". We elect representatives and send them to the township, city , county, State and Federal positions to govern on our behalf. In a true democracy every issue would have to be voted on by every citizen for every level of government. That would never work. The electoral college has a purpose and should never be done away with.
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Old 02-28-2019, 09:27 PM
TerryD TerryD is offline
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Amen brother!
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