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Old 02-23-2019, 10:12 PM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Rome, Tn
Posts: 477
Default More bad floding news

***For Immediate Release***
February 23, 2019
The Army Corps of Engineers will be releasing water from the Wolf Creek Dam at historic levels. This along with the water currently on the ground and potentially 2” of rain to come will push the Cumberland River into its Action Stage and potentially into Flood stage in Jackson County. This could cause areas along the river to be inundated with water. Also, creeks may back flow and cause flooding along their route to the river. This will occur during the night time hours, beginning as early as Saturday night. If you live in or near these areas consider relocating or be prepared to evacuate with short notice. “We are going to be sending personnel door to door in some of our flood prone areas to urge residents to evacuate as a precaution within the coming hours.” Said Chief Deputy Chris Carter of the Jackson County Sheriff’s Dept. “We will be working with other county officials and departments to open a couple of preliminary shelters for people to come to in if they want to evacuate and do no have any where to go.” Carter continued. It is extremely imperative that the public stay weather aware and monitor the water areas around their location. If you have a need for any further information on shelters, flooding, or evacuation you may contact Jackson County EMA at (931) 268-6133.#
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