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Old 07-06-2018, 01:43 AM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Lebanon, Tennessee
Posts: 2,925
Smile Al Gore .... <'TK><

Q: What's the difference between Al Gore and a slab of Formica? A: Absolutely nothing.

Q: Why is Al Gore so committed to protecting the environment? A: On July 8, 1947, witnesses claim a spaceship with five aliens aboard crashed on a sheep-and-cattle ranch outside Roswell, the next day Al Gore was born....draw your own conclusion.

Q: Did You hear about the Nobel Peace Prize won by Al Gore? A: In a stunning reversal, the Supreme Court awarded it to George Bush.

Q: Why was Al Gore the best vice president we have ever had? A: He replaced a guy who couldn't spell 'potato' and was followed by a guy who shot someone in the face.

Q: How fat has Al Gore gotten since his presidential run? A: So fat that Bill Clinton is thinking of hitting on him!

Q: How does Al Gore get to sleep? A: He counts ballot papers.

Q: How can you spot Al Gore in a bunch of Secret Service agents? A: He's the stiff one.

Q: What's the difference between Al Gore and Socialism? A: He uses the phrase Social Entitlements instead.

Q. Why is Al Gore pissed at JFK Jr.? A. He didn't like him polluting the water.

Q: How dull is Al Gore? A: His secret service code name is Al Gore!

Q: Why did Al Gore get a nipple ring? A: He heard that George Bush got a Dick Cheney.

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