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Old 06-29-2018, 12:48 AM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Lebanon, Tennessee
Posts: 2,925
Smile Two Alabama Boys ... <'TK><

Two good ole boys from Alabama had been hearing for years how much fun ice fishing in Michigan was and decided to go. They loaded up their fishing tackle and headed north. Finding a large frozen lake they immediately headed into a bait and tackle store to inquire about methods and tactics for ice fishing. The clerk was friendly and helpful and told them what bait was needed and what tackle they would need. He also suggested they buy an ice pick to chip away a hole in the ice.

Off they went to the lake. About two hours later they returned to the store telling the clerk they needed another ice pick. The clerk was puzzled but was happy to make the sale. So he sold them another ice pick. Three hours later they came back and said they better buy every ice pick he had. The clerk asked, “Haven’t you fellows caught any fish yet?”. One of the good ole boys replied, “Caught any? Hell, we ain’t even got the boat in the water yet.”
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