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Old 07-15-2017, 03:45 AM
Gone fishing Gone fishing is offline
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Default Good fishing but odd

I fished PP Tuesday and Thursday this week. I started out checking my usual summer haunts looking for hybrid. It had been 3-4 weeks since I got to go after them, but expected to find them piled up in one of my regular summer spots. The first few spots I caught several largemouth , a couple smallmouth, a couple white, a few channel, and a butt load of yellows. I kept thinking every bite was going to be a hybrid, but it was everything but basically. I'm not complaining I caught fish steady and had a blast, but it was odd that my spots that produce mainly all hybrid all summer regularly had none either day. I went and hit an old favorite spot that hasn't really produced the last few years thinking I might find them, but nope I found mainly bass again. I then decided to run to a couple spring time spots because I was kinda stumped. I found the crappie there both days just like I left them a month ago actually even more there now also with a bunch of yellows. The crappie bite was as good as it gets and you know it's been a good year when you're willingly tossing back 12-13-14 inch crappie one after another and even caught two over 15 inches... Like I said it was 2 great trips, but the PP gluttons were MIA.

Two questions.

1) Why are yellow bass so dang mean?!?!? Dangling in the air randomly impaled throughout from their kamikaze attack on two treble hooks that are bigger then their own head and their dead calm just hanging out. The second I get my hand on em it's like grabbing a Tasmanian devil wrapped in police spike strips holding a samurai sword in each paw sliceing and stabbing instantaneously! Might as well had put both my hands in a blender... Lol

2) Did the hybrid migrate or did I just have a odd couple days?
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Old 07-15-2017, 08:28 AM
Transplanted Sportsman Transplanted Sportsman is offline
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I would say you had a hell of couple of days despite not finding the hybrid!!
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Old 07-16-2017, 09:00 PM
TNewsome TNewsome is offline
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Posts: 93

I don't know the answer to either of your questions, but I sure wish I knew what kind of bait you were using!
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