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Old 04-13-2017, 04:02 PM
MdTnBankBustin MdTnBankBustin is offline
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Default Nice's Mill Wade/Bank report 4/12

Hey yall, I know most of you guys fish in boats and yaks but there has to be a few more people like me who still do it from the shore/wade haha.

Took my son (5) out there yesterday. I was a pristine day.. the water is getting close to summer pool low...but the islands are still underwater so i would say it is maybe 3-4 ft higher than the summer usual. It is still COLD though.

My usual go to spots with little man didn't look too promising..(The pool in front of the dam is filled with gar.. I counted 12 in less than 2-3 minutes and big ones.. So We decided to park opposite side of dam access and try out luck with a little wading. Went down a little ways and absolutely laid into them.

Caught 8 trout in about an hour using black and white rooster tails. I also caught 4 red eye bass on watermelon red flack 2" curly tail jigs on 1/16 ounce pink jig heads

My son caught over 20 bluegills and 4 trout on a small rapala minnow imitators. His first time using a crank bait!!

He was so excited and I was surprised to catch trout I thought thery were long gone.

I didn't catch any crappie or stripes but that is what's on my list.

It was a great day for my son though and his first time wading... He did great with having water brushing up his trunks hahaha.

Any bank stripes (yellow, white bass or hybrid)on upper stones? west fork? I live in the smyrna/lavergne area.

Last edited by MdTnBankBustin; 04-13-2017 at 04:29 PM.
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Old 04-17-2017, 12:44 PM
kmtipps kmtipps is offline
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Glad you had some luck below the dam. I have waded down there several times and other than some small bluegill have not had much success there. I took a kayak down from Nice Mill to West Fork and had more luck once we got down below Nice Mill and into more of the less fished areas.
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